GOP Insanity Thread: a bunch of weirdos weirding out

oh yeah duh that dude is definitely top 5

tom cotton has entered the chat

Foghorn Leghorn Kennedy is being slept on ITT

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And thisā€¦


non-paywall link

The last sentence here is the modern GOP in a nutshell:

The Fifth Circuit and at least two SCOTUS justices canā€™t wait too!

I was curious about which version of the commandments would be mandated, unsurprisingly itā€™s the Protestant version (sort of).

Catholics usually leave off the part about the graven images and double up on the prohibitions against coveting to keep the count at 10.

The Austin Ten Commandments monument that was at the center of the Van Orden v. Perry case in 2005 for some reason included 11 commandments (no graven images and both no covetings). In keeping with that case, this new Louisiana law mandates the same 11.

Idols and craven images are what the Catholic Church is all about. The PBS thing on Italian-Americans had the Irish-Americans looking down on the Italians with all their saint statues, etc.

They all adopt rules that fly in the face of their ā€œbookā€. And then sometimes they ā€œadaptā€ the rules when facing cultural backlash (see Mormons, polygamy).

The guy a couple of blocks over has a very small Trump 2024 sign. Resisting the urge of making a sign that lists the 10 commandments and check marks on all 10 for Donnieā€™s sins. Idk what I would do if I didnā€™t have to worry about every house having cameras. The urge is strong.

Not gonna lie, but my mom was reading them and there was something about rocks, where if they were too high, and you went up the rocks to sacrifice a goat or something, people could see up your garments and that whole damn situation would be a violation. I told her to read the real commandments, but she said she wasnā€™t lying. I donā€™t believe her.

24 ā€œā€˜Make an altar of earth for me and sacrifice on it your burnt offerings and fellowship offerings, your sheep and goats and your cattle. Wherever I cause my name to be honored, I will come to you and bless you. 25 If you make an altar of stones for me, do not build it with dressed stones, for you will defile it if you use a tool on it. 26 And do not go up to my altar on steps, or your private parts may be exposed.ā€™

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Ghilli suit

Honest to blog, I thought Matt Gaetz was gonna get thrown under the bus.

I really donā€™t think Palin is as stupid or as extreme as the Goblin Girl.

I donā€™t know thatā€™s a totally fair comparison, because Palin has been mostly irrelevant/out of the news for 10 years and Boebert has come to prominence in a different era with a significantly more unhinged GOP.

I forgot that Palin actually ran for Alaskaā€™s House seat in 2022 (and lost, twice, to Mary Peltola (D)). Itā€™s surprisingly hard to find reporting on her campaign, but hereā€™s something from a WaPo article on the race thatā€™s still very light on quotes:

But in public appearances since resigning from Alaskaā€™s governorship 13 years ago, Palin has characterized politics in Washington as ā€œwar for the solvency, the sovereignty of the United States of Americaā€ and urged Republican leaders to ā€œget on offense.ā€ In her first television interview after announcing her run for Congress, she called Democrats on Capitol Hill ā€œpretty wacko.ā€ Voters like Graham said they have come to know Palin for her ā€œhard right-wing speechā€ and as a ā€œmouthpieceā€ for the most extreme bloc of the GOP.

I think if Palin were still nationally relevant today sheā€™d be just as dumb and extreme as the Boeberts and MTGs of the party.

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I donā€™t think sheā€™d be talking about Jewish space lasers and getting freaky at Beetlejuice plays, but I would expect her to be all-in on election denial, putting the 10 commandments in classrooms, making 10 year old girls have their rapistsā€™ babies, and stuff like teachers carrying guns in classrooms.

I dunno, maybe her age precludes it but she has the same ā€œdivorced with an incredibly fucked up familyā€ thing going on as Boebert

Iā€™m sure there plenty of exceptions but I think a lot of former governors have at least some however small inkling that government has some actual functions to help people behind the scenes of all their showing off and acting out. But the people getting elected to house often just complete nut jobs and the theatre is the only thing that is real to them