GOP Insanity Thread: a bunch of weirdos weirding out

Someone smarter than me explain how nazi wheelchair guy got primaried after his first time pretty easily, and now Boebert manages to trounce everyone after carpetbagging to another district?

Nazi wheelchair guy started spouting off about cocaine parties and the entire GOP turned against him

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oh yeah that was hilarious, good times

meanwhile democrats are still backing menendez

weird thing to say after he didn’t run in the primary due to dem pressure

they went to the mat for him from the drop, didn’t remove him from committees (he stepped down from the chair but he’s still got all his assignments). they’ve done less than the bare minimum

He literally didn’t run in the primary. He literally doesn’t have their backing. He’s polling at <10% in the three way race

man u got the cause and effect backwards

Flippant and somewhat sexist answer:

Men want to fuck her and women want to be her. (In her district(s).)

This is not normal

Have fun in Gilead!

I’m not one of those people who think everything would be better if women were in charge, but I do think we should have proportionate representation. South Carolina Republicans aren’t down with that:


We got him!

I thought he had been disbarred like a year ago

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So much of the conservative project is just cruelty for its own sake.

That’s a crime… whatever.jpg

Reminder that bigoted views aren’t limited to red state rural bumpkins.

For the non-Washingtonians here, Pierce County is the second-largest population county in the state, and contains Tacoma, the third-largest city.

Pierce County Council member won’t sit in chambers over pride flag

Pierce County Councilmember Amy Cruver is refusing to sit in council chambers while a pride flag is displayed there because she said it distracts her and interferes with her ability to engage in meetings.

At the end of last Tuesday’s council meeting, the Republican council member said over a video call that she found herself “at odds with my responsibility to focus on the people’s business while in chambers, and being distracted with the memories or thoughts that the flag creates in my mind.”

Cruver, who has represented southeast Pierce County communities in District 3 since 2021, has long disapproved of recognizing Pride month and the use of the flag above and within county buildings. Cruver did not respond Monday to a request for comment.

In remarks characterizing members of the LGBTQ+ community as depraved, scary and lacking “family value,” Cruver said she was attending the council meeting virtually because she preferred to “avoid confusion and distractions [that] interfere with my participation in meetings.” She also said Fox News was “very interested” in why she wasn’t attending meetings in person.

As she spoke, Cruver held up a series of photos she found offensive, showing images she said were taken at Pride festivals and drag queen story hour events, as well as a photo apparently depicting someone’s genitals after gender-affirming surgery which she partially obscured with her hand. Cruver did not specify where the pictures were taken or how she obtained them.


We gonna start doing the “they’re going to seize the assets!” thing again? No, none of these people are going to see a dime. Yes, Rudy will continue to live whatever weird ass life he’s living without regard to these judgements.

I think it has been shown time and time again that the only person who never actually faces consequences is Trump. Lots of other people have, in fact, faced consequences. Steve Bannon is in jail right now.