GOP Insanity Thread: a bunch of weirdos weirding out

Yeah he’s just actually it’s hard to hate the guy because it feels like punching down stupid. Stupid as a physical trait stupid. This isn’t being slow, there are lots of slow people who aren’t stupid. It’s the curdled pride mixed with the extremely dim wattage combined that make him so profoundly stupid.

IDK these days I’m finding myself more and more skeptical about free will. This shit is a lot more random than I want it to be.

He actually playing 4D chess and knows being Trump supporter this time around going to be a source of shame for decades

I’m still finding it quite easy, actually. (Maybe that makes me a bad person too?)

Nah I just have a soft spot in my heart for the involuntary fuck ups. He’s really fucking odious.

The MAGA crowd is really running with this olympic boxing story. It’s incredible how much these assholes care about a sport they’ve never watched, between two countries they couldn’t point to on a map. I so badly wish I had no morals because it would be so easy to grift or scam these dimwitted bigots. They believe anything they see that confirms their grievances and propagate it like wildfire.

I feel like it’s an own goal because it so clearly highlights that their grievances and anger go so far beyond trans people and is really about anything challenging their own definition of feminity, but maybe that’s just because I’m Woke


It’s an own goal but they all are too stupid and blinded by hate to realize they kicked it into the wrong net, so they are celebrating the win regardless.

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False alarm.

Still hilarious that Trump campaign had to make some crisis effort to shore up endorsement of some kid who shot someone. It’s like they intentionally choose losers as their heroes these days

Is there a thread for down ballot races? Marsha Blackburn just won her primary yesterday and she’s got ads on the Olympics tonight about “men” in women’s sports.

The democratic nominee is Gloria Johnson, a relative nobody (state rep from eastern TN) who suddenly got a bunch of notice when she was nearly expelled from the legislature as one of the “Tennessee Three” (the other two both were expelled and sent right back by the voters). She’s got to be a huge dog but I think Marsha is at least a little bit concerned.

I dunno man, we’ve been here before

In the general election, Bredesen lost by just over ten points, taking 43.9 percent of the vote to Blackburn’s 54.7 percent.

Yeah and wasn’t Bredesen quite popular for a Dem?

It seems almost SSC territory to even suggest Blackburn is at risk.

Yeah Bredesen was a former governor. Gloria Johnson probably has 10% as much name recognition. She’s absolutely gonna lose by 20 points.

From the thread:

MAGAs: yes, exactly.

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You’ll never guess why this guy was arrested.

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On the one hand, yes. On the other hand, hypocrisy is a plank in the Republican platform, so really, it’s not projection. It’s just them talking about things they expect they should be able to get away with.