GOP Insanity Thread: a bunch of weirdos weirding out


I was looking for that exact tweet today! Good pull.

Let them fight!


How do we make the Vance/Loomer ticket happen?

Yes there are a lot of Hatians in Florida but I’ve gotta think they’re already basically all voting for Democrats?

I saw something. It’s like 3:1 D

Turnout still matters.

Never been a better time to relisten to that legendary experimental hip-hop album The Carnival


lol remember the whale story I assumed was fake because it would be a crime? Would be hilarious if RFK fucked around and found out

[Robert F Kennedy Jr] has said that he is being investigated by federal authorities for collecting the head from a decapitated whale carcass.

During a campaign event on Saturday for the Republican nominee, Donald Trump, in Glendale, Arizona, the former independent presidential candidate [said] “I received a letter from the National Marine Fisheries Institute saying that they were investigating me for collecting a whale specimen 20 years ago.”

This sounds like bullshit to me (the fact that he’s being investigated).

Yeah, I would expect the statute of limitations on whale dismembering is shorter than that for non-wildlife related crimes… Particularly since it plays into their law fare narrative.

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I would think would be related to if he still possess the whale skeleton which I think would still be a crime even if he had it 20 years

Jesus, he kept a whale head for 20 years?

I assume getting the skull is why he hauled off the head, he probably the type to know somebody who has the beetles the clean off the flesh pretty efficiently. Granted he is one the weirdest dudes around so maybe he was just doing it for fun but my assumption was to get a rare skull

People collect weird shit.

Elementary schools shut down and a cultural festival cancelled in Springfield Ohio, totally normal stuff for a VP nominee to terrify some random-ass Midwest town.

Already been pointed out by many but worth repeating.

Making an assumption about party affiliation

Eddyville Iowa gas station