GOP Insanity Thread: a bunch of weirdos weirding out

…why are process servers armed?

Probably because crazy people liable to point shotguns at them


And there are too many guns in this country, leading to an ever-expanding arms race toward everyone “needing” a gun everywhere.

I have not seen reporting on at what point she got the shotgun. So it could have pre-dated her illness and embrace of QAnon Trumpism.

But the problems, in my opinion, still remain:

  • Too many guns
  • Not enough support for people who have problems, including mental illness
  • MAGA/Trumpism as an ideology steeped in violence

How much you want to bet the process server was a retired cop?^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1842039774359462324|twgr^9da707b6c28834f06fb4e9fb8bb366cbd2abb358|twcon^s1_&

Probably more accurate to say you can change the weather, “control” may be a bit much. Then again, I’m talking about cloud seeding and such and she is talking about QAnon shit so I’ll just stop typing now.

Who are “they”?

It always boils down to the Jews. Always. The Jews fanning the flames aren’t anything new either. I’m sure there’s a very old Yiddish word for them.

Wait, so you didn’t see the agenda yet for the next council of the Jews meeting? Item #2 is planning the next natural disaster!

I must have missed it along with last quarters dividend check. Who knew letting Ari Emmanuel’s lawyer’s accountant administer that would be such a disaster? What even is a back end point?

That might have been too much I apologize lol. I do occasionally find it very funny to imagine the world the antisemites think we live in. It’s extremely funny.

Pretty typical rural Idaho Republican:

North Idaho senator yells ‘go back to where you came from’ at Native American candidate

At a small-town candidate forum this week, a North Idaho Republican senator left the event early after making a disparaging remark about the Native American heritage of a Democratic candidate, people in attendance said.

Sen. Dan Foreman, R-Viola, was one of six House and Senate candidates for District 6 who attended a moderated forum in Kendrick, a town southeast of Moscow.

Roughly an hour into the discussion, candidates were asked whether they thought there was discrimination in the state. Rep. Brandon Mitchell, R-Moscow, answered first, saying he thought there wasn’t any discrimination in Idaho, according to Julia Parker, Foreman’s Democratic opponent.

After Mitchell spoke, Trish Carter-Goodheart, a Democratic House candidate who is a member of the Nez Perce Tribe, responded that she thought racism and discrimination were real problems in the state, and referenced the history of white supremacist enclaves in North Idaho, according to a statement she released after the forum.

After she spoke, Foreman stood up and began to yell, saying: “I’m so sick and tired of this liberal bulls—! Why don’t you go back to where you came from?” according to Carter-Goodheart’s statement.

[ … ]

Foreman did not respond to a request for comment, but said he had been “race-baited” in a Thursday post on Facebook. In his post, Foreman called abortion “murder,” gender-affirming care for transgender people “sick and demonically influenced,” and homosexuality an “abomination.”

[ … ]

Born in Illinois, Foreman is a retired Moscow police officer.


Seriously though. I just mock them relentlessly. I hear some wildly inappropriate things from random people who don’t knows my family dynamic.

You know who she thinks they are.

lol deep cut

Cliffs: Oklahoma school chief wants to buy bibles for schools, designs the contract specifications specifically so that the only products meeting the requirements are Trump grifts

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Meanwhile, a full 50% of the population understands and appreciates the tampon mention.

Idk about the rest of you in relationships w Tampon users, but when one is needed but not readily at hand it is a level one emergency. Those of us that don’t need them should be ever grateful. Women put up with an awful lot to perpetuate the species