GOP Insanity Thread: a bunch of weirdos weirding out


Careful, that shit’ll get a forum shut down.



it turns out sidney powell was actually the real hero of democracy the whole time?

Navarro here is basically saying “our plan was just about to work and we were gonna steal the election but sidney powell foiled our plan” maybe she’s a sleeper cell antifa supersoldier???

It must be frustrating for cultural warriors to be on the losing end of things for basically their entire lives. If you bathe daily in the right-wing torrent of rage, you must constantly be on the lookout for encroachments of wokeness and it has to start feeling like you just can’t get away from it.

Obviously they’re doing this because they think it’s in their interests to do so, but it’s still somewhat jarring to see this on the homepage of a stogy old financial company.


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this feels relevant when thinking about what is driving the “what’s in your pants” hysteria



you’re woke, what does it matter to me what pronouns you use?

I feel like this is really bad for the GOP. Because GOP primary voters is a different and meaningfully smaller group than GOP general election voters
 which skew toward people who would 100% get hit by any changes to medicare and SS.

If the horror of losing weren’t so immense everything happening with the GOP right now would cause rolling fist pumps among democrats. Which is exactly what’s happening among elected establishment democrats because they’re old as fuck and will be dead or feinstien’d the next time the GOP wins.

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Remember that Youngkin, who appointed this guy, counts as one of the reasonable Republicans to the media class:

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state legislatures sure are crazy as ideological battlegrounds. but here come local governments.

WEST OLIVE, Mich. — The eight new members of the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners had run for office promising to “thwart tyranny” in their lakeside Michigan community of 300,000 people.

In this case the oppressive force they aimed to thwart was the county government they now ran. It was early January, their first day in charge. An American flag held down a spot at the front of the board’s windowless meeting room. Sea-foam green carpet covered the floor.

The new commissioners, all Republicans, swore their oaths of office on family Bibles. And then the firings began. Gone was the lawyer who had represented Ottawa County for 40 years. Gone was the county administrator who oversaw a staff of 1,800. To run the health department, they voted to install a service manager from a local HVAC company who had gained prominence as a critic of mask mandates.

As the session entered its fourth hour, Sylvia Rhodea, the board’s new vice chair, put forward a motion to change the motto that sat atop the county’s website and graced its official stationery. “Whereas the vision statement of ‘Where You Belong’ has been used to promote the divisive Marxist ideology of the race, equity movement,” Rhodea said.

Rhodea’s resolution continued on for 20 “whereases,” connecting the current motto to a broader effort that she said aimed to “divide people by race,” reduce their “personal agency,” and teach them to “hate America and doubt the goodness of her people.”

Her proposed alternative, she said, sought to unite county residents around America’s “true history” as a “land of systemic opportunity built on the Constitution, Christianity and capitalism.’” She flipped to her resolution’s final page and leaned closer to the mic. “Now, therefore, let it be resolved that the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners establishes a new county vision statement and motto of ‘Where Freedom Rings.’”


“Small” local government governing 300,000 people? That’s not small.

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Large county of mosty rural areas. Holland is very touristy and I believe LGBT friendly. Just south is Saugatuk(?) which is a very popular LGBT destination.

I see it’s 90% white and 1.5% African American.



Ghoul of the week.

Good Lord, what did trans people do any of these ghouls. This is psychotic behavior.

They’re trying to find a tiny minority group they can demonize like the Nazi’s demonized Jews. Unfortunately for them anti semitism in Europe was a much more common and deeply held thing than transphobia ever will be. So as a fuel source it’s pretty weak sauce.

The GOP went intellectually bankrupt as the direct result of the financial crisis and has been devolving rapidly ever since. I fully expect them to get get less substantial and more hateful in the coming years. I think they had maybe one shot to pivot away from this in the aftermath of 2012, but they clearly missed that opportunity and are now flying unimpeded out ever deeper into the void of political irrelevance.

They’re going to do increasingly extreme bullshit which will push voters away, which will narrow down the pool of insane people who vote in their primaries, which will reward that increasingly extreme bullshit, which will push more voters away
 and on and on it goes. In ten years they’ll still probably be consistently getting 20% of the vote or something because there are a lot of crazy right wing people in the US, and you won’t be able to win a GOP primary without being explicitly in favor of shipping all the blacks back to Africa.