GOP Insanity Thread: a bunch of weirdos weirding out

1,000% she’s moved on. Gaetz would be hilarious.

lol is he going to get beaten up by Penguin Books next? Embarrassing.

I was at my favorite local wine bar after work chatting with two other people who were alcohol sales reps and friends from their previous job working at a prominent resort in Palm Beach. They were both restaurant managers and so I was asking them about a bunch of random stuff about the hotel, like what celebrities are assholes, how they handle all the call girls, and stuff like that. One of the two says the person who was the worst was Rudy Guiliani, and I’m like, oh you should read the lawsuit that was just filed against him. She hadn’t heard about it, and so I tell her a former “employee” was suing him for a bunch of terrible shit he made her do while working. This girl is was like, what’s her name, so I tell her, and she’s like HOLY SHIT, I think I know her. So I pull up a photo and she’s like, yep, that’s the girl. Apparently Rudy tried to bring her with him to this resort, but they wouldn’t let her in because she had been previously banned. Lol.


this is almost verbatim the rhetoric that is being used to justify the Neely lynching

Seems likely that Florida is on its way to becoming just another poor southern state. Disney is probably done investing in that state, and will likely start the slow process to move out of state. Immigration policy is going to kill construction and agriculture. And there’s nothing else driving economic value in Florida. Feel sorry for the people trapped there.

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Coastline? But that will be shrinking too :harold:

Even Peter Thiel recently said he couldn’t justify moving his companies from CA to FL given the current situation there. Turns out authoritarianism drives away business more than high taxes supposedly does.

I agree with the sentiment but haven’t people been flocking to southern states in general last 10 yrs? Not having half the year coated in grim winter is a big selling point to lot of folks regardless of politics which most people just mostly ignore

There’s been some net migration to big cities in southern states, sure, but I’m not sure we’ll keep seeing that trend when southern states are going scorched earth on women’s and lgbtq rights.

Yeah I’m sure it could have an impact, also on optimistic point possible some states actually turn purple. I was kinda curious and this is what I saw for 2022 top and bottom as far as growth respectively

That’s just weird. I wonder how it changes when broken out in age brackets?

They can’t just pick up and move Disneyworld. I think it’s more likely this is just a warning shot.

I think Disney is still a favorite to build that thing in Florida. Maybe not this year, but they will. This is just gamesmanship.

It’s not just gamesmanship. Right now there are a bunch of people like me who stood to make money from that building and now it’s on hold. A bunch of them will have been told things like ‘we can’t finish this deal until we have clarity on this political stuff’.

And now each and every one will pull whatever levers they have access to with the fl gop.

Blue states aren’t sending their best often to the south though

That is a good point, guess makes it all the more rustling that NY for example doesn’t maximize D representatives


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I think you’re both right: it’s not gamesmanship, but it will get built eventually, because of this:

Capitalism uber alles in USA #1. Desantis (and/or “Desantisism”) will be brought to heel one way or another. Then the capitalist engine that is the Mouse will grind on.