GOP Insanity Thread: a bunch of weirdos weirding out


Can you guess what constitutes “unpatriotic gestures” according to FoxNews? Did they turn their backs? Did they kneel? Did they raise their fists or their middle fingers?

Only 5 players (out of 11) placed their hands over their hearts and only 3 appeared to be singing along. Oh the humanity!

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you want socialism? this is how you get socialism

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One guess as to whether uniformed members of the armed forces are supposed to sing along with the anthem.


State Representative beats wife, she goes to his brothers house, he fights the brother. Family values.

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Hilariously it sounds like the lawmaker went through that door.

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I’m sorry, does anyone over the age of 12 put their hand over their heart for the pledge? What kind of gradeschool nonsense is this.

and cap off, you barbarian

Yeah, it’s cap off, over heart or hand over heart you communist.

I can’t unsee that.

Circular logic 101

Criminal charges are for BAD people, but Daddy is GOOD people, QED

What did Jerrod think the song was about?

It’s been a staple MAGA anthem about rebelling from the evil Jews and libtards and college professors and librarians and trans people and the Blacks who are all secretly in charge of everything and are why traditional white Christian men can’t get a break anymore.

I think Dee Snider has a similar issue to the south park guys. He’s not really republican or democrat, not conservative or liberal, he just wants to be viewed as edgy. So at times he may appear favorable to one side and the other side will hate it. And other times he’ll be on the opposite side of the fence. Wherever he can carve out a lane for himself is what is most important.

I don’t know much about Snider in particular, but the South Park guys, to me, seem to have found that there’s way, way more of a lane being edgy against liberals and the marginalized than being edgy against conservatives and the privileged and powerful.

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I don’t think there’s inherently more of a lane for one or the other, they just found the niche they’re better at and/or enjoy more

While Matt and Trey are far from neutrals, they have been edgy against plenty of conservatives groups as well. ‘Dey terk er jerbs’ is a phrase from South Park, and ended with a ball of conservative men in a gay orgy because they couldn’t take immigration anymore. They went hard at Islam sure… but also went hard at mormonism, catholics, and scientology. They had like a two season arc making fun of trump.

Basically don’t think this is a fair representation of South Park. Admittedly, I haven’t watched in a few years.

Some of it probably depends on where you stand. If they are picking on your team can you enjoy it without getting all defensive and boycotty?

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