GOP Insanity Thread: a bunch of weirdos weirding out


No shit. There will literally never be a single US president for the rest of our lives that won’t be impeached when their party doesn’t control the house.

It’s a freeroll to do some sexy political theatre and you just can’t leave that value on the table.

The eDems will bend over backward to not impeach the next Republican president if there ever is one.

Y’all Qaeda update


Texas A&M continuing to show up in the media for all the wrong reasons:

It’s incredible how easily the media is fooled into writing serious-sounding pieces about Woke Cancel Culture At Oberlin while conservatives are like “lol we’ll fire you for saying anything that makes us sad”

Even Hannity thinks RFK is too nutty

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“It’s not fair you make fun of me for saying stupid racist shit and also you’re fired if you disagree with me”

RFK is just the definition of a unserious failson from a formerly important family that can’t even win their home senate seat anymore.

The Kennedy’s have a much more mixed legacy than most people realize. In particular Ted Kennedy’s role in not doing a universal healthcare deal with Nixon pretty much eliminates any good his family ever did for anyone many many times over.

Nobody under 70 even gives a shit about the Kennedy family legacy. It’s like if Malia Obama’s kid runs for president in 2083, who the hell is going to be hyped for that? I am just absolutely begging the media to put a spotlight on someone more relevant, like Nikki Haley or Tommy Tuberville.

Also he murdered someone

Lots of rich/powerful people have murdered people lol.

that was negligent homicide, not murder

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You can call it whatever you want, but he drove drunk, crashed and left a very likely alive person in a car to drown over a period of hours. That’s murder to me


He was wildly irresponsible and should have gone to jail for a bit but a drunken car wreck isn’t murder at all.

It kind of is, especially when you take 10 hours to notify the cops and leave someone alive at the scene

also RFK senior was a fucking psycho and basically wanted to start a nuclear war during the cuban missile crisis, it’s a fucking miracle any of us are even here today

Is it weird that I look at how things went for the Kennedy’s and think ‘yeah that’s about how you would have expected it to go if you weren’t born disgustingly rich’. Accept tons of help from certain people and then screw them as hard as you can as soon as you get in power?

I’m not saying shooting them was the answer, but I kinda get it.