GOP Insanity Thread: a bunch of weirdos weirding out

the way vapes are these days you won’t make it past 30 if you vape. I vaped for ~2 years to get off cigarettes for good (still clean!) and I’ve got the popcorn lung. it’s horrible

Fetterman is the best


Definitely one of my top 5 proudest primary contributions.

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Lol that’s amazing

One of us! One of us!

Total Chad

I can sort of see the reasoning here


Alex Jones is winning. Sure, the Sandy Hook families have a $1.5 billion judgment against him, but he’s not paying them and he’s still living the high life. This is how the law works and the rest of us are suckers. We get the headline and the satisfaction, but when you look back six months or a year later, the rich assholes still have the money and the power.

He’ll probably manage to dump millions to himself, and still be richer than any of the Sandy Hook families even after paying whatever he’s ultimately forced to pay.

Yeah if we had a functioning legislature/media the Alex Jones case would be enough to get laws passed criminalizing what he’s done. The fact that he’s probably not going to be charged with anything after 1) causing a bunch of totally innocent people to get tarred and feathered by his lunatic fringe followers and 2) scamming the everliving daylights out of those same lunatic fringe followers… seems pretty fucking wrong. If it’s legally complicated and a gray area maybe legislators should clean that up and make it clearer that this is in fact pretty far over several lines.

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I’ve changed my mind on the Boberts, getting a handjob while watching Beetlejuice objectively rules.


I think it’s just some dude, not her husband.

But yeah that all improved my point of view of her. She’s a person, having fun, and did something kind of stupid. At the same time… I’ve been there

I’d have a lot more sympathy if it wasn’t all of the other stuff she did. Specifically crybullying about kids seeing “sex” because of drag queens while you’re going at it in an all ages theater performance

what? that behavior in that venue is abhorent. the vaping alone lol shes blasting aggressive clouds of secondhand vape at the poor people in front of her. might as just well light up a cig while you’re at it, why not

i’m sorry but calling vaping in a public place “abhorrent” is way overstating this. It’s like a 2-3/10 on a bad scale.

she’s taking flash pictures during the performance (most places will turbo kick you for that alone) and a pregnant woman asked her to stop vaping lololol imagine stanning for this politics aside, holy fuck

do you know how out of line you have to be to get kicked out of a place like this?

this is a rare great spot for “imagine this was hillary”

You’ve massively understood what I’ve said.

sorry for my misunderstanding. In every theater I have performed in or been an audience member of, this behavior isn’t just “having fun”, it’s objectively and shockingly rude, bordering on vile, and the theater is within every right to kick her and I think with her body of work in public spaces and in general giving her the benefit of the doubt is kind of funny, but I guess ultimately it doesnt matter

Anyways boebert getting slut shamed for getting handsy in a theater is not great imo, that’s all