GOP Insanity Thread: a bunch of weirdos weirding out

Not really. There’s stuff you’re allowed to do in public and there’s stuff you’re not and she was coloring way outside the lines.

But that’s just level 1 for why it’s totally fine to slut shame Boebert. Then there’s the hypocrisy of being an elected GOP politician violating those norms after helping to lead a ‘moral’ crusade against the queer community.

I think you lose the forest for the trees sometimes. Slut shaming in general is bad. I barely think this qualifies, but if there’s any group of people who should get slut shamed it’s professional slut shamers IMO.

From a macro perspective this is a righteous kill if there ever was one basically. A truly wonderful opportunity for every person the GOP (or religious people in general!) ever slut shamed to get even.

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If I were in her vicinity in that theater, I’d be much more annoyed by the picture taking and being loud. Wouldn’t really care much if they were groping each other.

I don’t think people giving a current member of congress a hard time for doing any sort of sex act in public is problematic. I think she just so unprofessional at baseline that people forget she is actually in congress.

Nobody is slut-shaming her. The only place I have read about the sex act, anywhere, was here. Every other article omits that (so I”m not even sure it’s true), and just talks about the vaping, the flash photography, and the obnoxious behavior.


There is video, it is true. The thought process behind this behavior is what is pretty awful. They are in a room with a couple hundred other people and it isn’t ever dark enough to give any cover to this behavior so they were expecting to be caught unless they were seriously buzzed on something. And giving any kind of crap to the ushers bouncing them is just a chef’s kiss to how awful a person she is.

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Impeachment requiring a 2/3 vote is not a workable solution to penalize bad conduct by politicians.

A jury of other politicians isn’t a workable solution to penalize bad conduct for politicians. You can tell what level of priority political corruption has with law enforcement in America by how the end result of ABSCAM was a stern talking to law enforcement to not do any more stings on politicians and not a 150 person unit devoted to watching the federal politicians and their staff.

If you think about it we have units for all kinds of things, but somehow there’s never a unit devoted to making sure rich guys aren’t committing crimes or a unit making sure politicians aren’t taking bribes. Weird.

Guess the neighborhoods with poor people beat was where the really bad shit was happening.

The only way to get an actual punishment as a white collar criminal is to make actual rich people lose money.

Or French Revolution

Rand Paul’s neighbor, this is how you do it

This is why when I am at Disney World, I do my best to never actually leave Disney World and travel to the greater Orlando area.

Don’t worry, even WDW can’t escape Florida being Florida:

Apparently right wingers are now convinced Fetterman has a body double. Very cool and normal stuff

Yeah they desperately want to believe that it made sense for him to resign because he’s a vegetable… but he’s a guy in his early-mid 50’s who had a stroke. Normally people recover from that within a year or two. Mitch on the other hand…

The fake Fetterman stuff is so dumb that even a bunch of the conspiracy idiots are calling it fake.

He’s 6 foot 8. Can’t be that easy to find a lookalike even if they wanted to.

Yeah that’s the silliest part of a silly story. Aint no body doubles for that gomer lol.

Projection, all it does is validate the Melania double theory.