GOP Insanity Thread: a bunch of weirdos weirding out


In “they are always exactly who you’d guess they are” news, another Sound of Freedom guy is a sex creep

they found the body double


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white house memeing it up


Lol, they definitely have some young 20’s intern handling that account.



God people still fall for this “Uber librul Silicon Valley” baloney even though the reality is that the median Silicon Valley bro is basically voting for a Bioshock-esque capitalist hellscape

Also I would bet actual money that whoever wrote this is not intact in an interracial marriage


No one as online as this person seems to be is in any marriage.

Let alone one going on so long they live in multiple places.

Just another creative writing prompt.

“I’m from the South but the most racist stuff I’ve ever seen was when I was visiting a Yankee city up North” is like a trope every other Southerner I’ve met engages in.


Commonly accompanied by: “The most racist people I’ve ever met were black people.”


OK, I’ve never heard that one.

Not sure if this part of the trope but wouldn’t shock me if rural northeastern counties are higher percent racist than rural south because rural PA/NY/etc is so high % white whereas lot of rural southerns are black. Feel like there more confederate (and Trump) flags flying in parts of NY than the south

Have heard a lot of “they’re allowed to be racist but we aren’t that’s not fair” from lol racist white ppl.

As someone who frequently drives through a lot of these areas, I think this is probably correct.

Exhibit A is “why can they say the N word and “we” can’t?”

Yeah racism won’t end in America until white people actually accept reality… and then black people get to be incredibly angry for like a century or so until there are no black people left alive who remember white people who couldn’t accept reality. After that century post reparations and there being a year of mandatory history class very reminiscent of Germany’s holocaust education we will have ended white-black racism in America.

The solution isn’t hard to imagine, but getting white people to live in a world where all the bad shit our country collectively did to black people actually happened? I know I won’t live to see it.

Unsurprisingly when white people say things like ‘why can they say the N word and “we” can’t’ I see it as my personal mission to explain it to them.

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The Sun goes red giant before any of that shit happens.