GOP Insanity Thread: a bunch of weirdos weirding out

I think any Scalise type gets elected. Freedom Caucus was making a point.

Kev tapping and a Scalise type getting unanimous support has to be like -1000 atm. Gaetz got a scalp and PR, they move the speakerā€™s chair to the right, everyone sings kumbaya now and donors happy.

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Lol self-ponied by 10 seconds, Kev has already tapped out.

Yep. What a fucking loser. Kisses Trumps ass and still gets got in humiliating fashion. Who could have ever seen it coming.

Lol fuckjob is Lou Gehrig now, fuck off

I wonder what the calculus was behind the dems going for this. I was initially way in favor of it, but then realized since jeffries and the house democrats are doing it, it must be idiotic or corrupt or both, so now I donā€™t know.

They couldā€™ve voted to retain him and let the GOP rip themselves apart. Who knows how that plays out.

Frankly Iā€™m amazed mccarthy even got confirmed.

My question is what reason there could possibly be for the next speaker to even ask the nutjobs what they want. McCarthy did everything he physically could do for them and they still made him walk the plank.

I honestly have no idea what happens next on this itā€™s too fucking weird. Also if thereā€™s one thing I know for sure itā€™s that Iā€™m terrible at handicapping the internal workings of the Trump GOP in 2023. These people live in an alternate dimension I cannot grok and Iā€™m not sure I even care. Iā€™m just hoping the bubble pops soon so I can stop thinking about it.

If I was McCarthy the name in the envelope would be Barrack Obama because it would be objectively the funniest thing to ever happen in American politics.

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My guess is Ds are done with allowing McCarthy to put a ā€œmoderateā€ face on R extremism, started w/ doing a flip flop on January 6th and latest is greasing the wheels for Bidenā€™s inevitable impeachment.

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My guess is that this is some of the most accurate reporting the Wapo has done in a while because itā€™s exactly the story the people in question wanted told:

This isnā€™t a story so much as an announcement to whoever the next GOP speaker is that if he/she plays nice this doesnā€™t have to happen to them.

The Dems seem to personally despise McCarthy and are more than happy to take the opportunity to get a new GOP counterparty to negotiate with.

If the house democrats were smart, couldnā€™t they just use this moment to realize they have enormous leverage here? with a fractured GOP they now can basically just convince a few house nutjobs to shank the next guy too. They donā€™t even have any ideas for a replacement. Theyā€™re just there to disrupt the US government, and honestly, it borders on treason in my mind, not like you could ever prove it.

I think this is the clearest sign of this form of government not working. We have not had a functional legislation in how long? not any time I can remember well in my life. How long can a democratic republic hold when its most basic functions cannot be carried out? I would bet my net worth on a default whenever it next comes up. How does this get better?

I mean you can tell something is changing on the Democratic side. Theyā€™re pulling fire alarms, theyā€™re shanking McCarthyā€¦ Nah too soon for hope yet. Weā€™ll see.

Matt ā€˜should have been removed years agoā€™ Gaetz being the instrument of their destruction really is the best part. They had a gold plated opportunity to get rid of that dipshit when he got caught screwing a couple of dozen different underage girls. Itā€™s not like he would have been replaced with a Democrat they could have gotten rid of this sociopath ages ago.

But no, they wanted to keep the white collar criminals with trust funds feeling bullet proof. Just no internal discipline at all.

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if they win itā€™s going to be on accident. Remember when one of the most difficult things about trump GOP was that they always voted pretty much unanimously? thatā€™s gone, probably for a while

They made him walk the plank not because of the things he did or didnā€™t do, but because they could, because theyā€™d get clicks out of it, because theyā€™re building their derp cred even more, at least Gaetz is, guy toppled a speaker with 8 votes, heā€™s going to try ride that ticket in the future.

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Lol I just canā€™t imagine who would a) want the job b) get the Trump/Crazies seal of approval and c) get any support from the establishment republicans after this. Show me this mediocre white man because I do not know his name.

All this BS is the result of gerrymandering and the Supreme Court.


Thereā€™s at least like 10 people already being talked about, they will all absolutely jump at the chance. The stable genius crazies won, they will rally behind a Scalise type or honestly I donā€™t think they win the next round if they try to hog tie the next speaker. Lol establishment, that is not a thing anymore. Not only is that a next to insignificant constituency, it is still going to receive all it wants out of any R controlled body, which is to cut taxes and defund social programs, deregulate, and deliver a maximally corporatist judiciary.

Just think about it, Ds save McCarthy and have him labeled as ā€œtheir guy.ā€ Then he turns around and uses his bipartisan cred to give extra heft to the impeachment of Biden in the lead up to the 2024 elections. Will have been checkmated by a clown.


His name is Gaetz, and hell follows with him.