GOP Insanity Thread: a bunch of weirdos weirding out

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people are voting against jordan because they donā€™t recognize him with a jacket on, they think heā€™s a librul spy

kevin has to be the favorite at this point, right? god can you imagine how fucking smug that shithead will be

I really hope he gets it back. Itā€™d expose how dumb all these GOP assholes are. Itā€™s a shame that doesnā€™t matter to their voters. Weā€™re talking about people who still support Trump after going to prison because of Jan 6.

If that happens will they still have the rule where it only takes 1 member to call a vote to vacate, or would they be starting fresh?

Lmao watching jim jordan vote go down like this in flames was a very welcome surprise. I think I hate him more than trump and gaetz combined.

Just a complete bully and brainless too. I wouldnt be surprised if many of his colleagues hate him. he seems thoroughly intolerable.

  • Not a legislator: Jordan has played a very specific role in Congress, and it is not that of dealmaker, the main job requirement of modern House speakers. In fact, Jordan has never been the primary sponsor of a major piece of legislation that was enacted into law. The Center for Effective Lawmaking ranks members of Congress based on the amount of major legislation that bears their fingerprints, and Jordanā€™s rating is one of the lowest. Pushing for legislation is clearly not his priority.

Yea no shit heā€™s made his entire career off of just voting no on anything. heā€™s just here to disrupt the government just like all these other maga holdout turds. bet we dont get a speaker til after next election.

Itā€™s easy to lose sight of just how big a piece of shit this guy is because all republicans are basically evil. But heā€™s remarkably awful even for MAGA losers. Most of them are out there doing performance art, this MFer is a full on fucking Nazi true believer.

Lol theyā€™re not voting til tomorrow now. mustā€™ve been bad news for mr cauliflower ears

inject this shit into my veins

I believe the rule is still on the books regardless of who is speaker now. The Democrats actually want to remove it as part of the negotiations

So who has the most speaker votes in history, and is it Jeffries?

Edit: Looks like one took 133 ballots so probably not

I finally read the specific OSU wrestling doctor allegations and itā€™s worse than I ever imagined. Gym isnā€™t qualified to manage a 7-11.

Well this is interesting, apparently the House can function without a fully empowered Speaker, through privileged resolutions and motions to suspend the rules.

I doubt there will be as many votes as there were for McCarthy, given that the House has the power to adjourn. I would be pretty surprised if we see more than one vote on a given day, and Iā€™d also be pretty surprised if we get another vote that doesnā€™t elect a speaker.

Weā€™re like 2 minutes away from another vote that is almost definitely not going to elect a speaker.

Not saying this is going to happen, but if he loses votes on the next round, then heā€™s cooked. McCarthy either picked up votes or stayed the same on every subsequent round.

Oh, lol, Gym really wants his humiliation, huh? OK, I guess I meant a vote for a speaker other than Jordan that fails.

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I think the most likely outcome at this point is that McHenry kind of status quoā€™s his way into being the de facto speaker. That might actually be the best possible outcome for dems and the country.

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