GOP Insanity Thread: a bunch of weirdos weirding out

Meh. It’s probably what are they more afraid of- getting primaried or losing the general.

And as for those that have principles, remember that are likely very different than the general consensus here.

Not only this, only a complete imbecile would give in to someone who has demonstrated they will behave that way, because they’ve told you exactly how they will act the next time they want something from you.


Yeah exactly. It’s like a frivolous lawsuit. Settling can look appealing if the number is low enough, but if you’re suable you should never ever ever settle. If the insurance company settles that’s fine that’s their business/problem and their table image isn’t your table image… but if it’s your money and you didn’t actually do anything to them? Fight till the bitter end every time.

It’s not even about winning and losing it’s about not making yourself into an easy target. You do not want every shyster lawyer in your jurisdiction to start looking for every person you’ve offended in the last fifteen years.

Contrarily if you did that shit you should settle as fast as humanly possible. The faster you settle the less likely it is to cost you more than money.

Lol, this is amazing if true:

Source: CNN

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I don’t buy this.

They could have ended this shit today by going from 200 down to 180. They only went down to 199.

What would be the logic behind dragging it out?

Well Jordan got two new votes and they peeled 4 off for a net -2 right? (His 200 was actually 201 with one guy absent who was a known yes.)

So now Jordan may flip a few more but they peel a few more off again and he goes backwards again. It blunts the news of momentum. If they had him at 190 right away and then he went to 192 and 196 there world be horse race stories about momentum.

On the other hand I’d he was at like 180 he’d just be dead on arrival. Maybe they’re just enjoying fucking with him because they don’t like him.

It’s the only rationale I can think of that makes any sense at all.

Maybe they like humiliating him because he’s a fucking asshole.


nate figured it out

Omg i tried to read that and had to stop. He needs an editor.

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Nice job on the thread title.


yall, that’s not nate’s writing, it’s just on nate’s site

Well, maybe if the byline wasn’t in 4 point light gray font on a white background that would have been more noticeable.

Also the byline is “Matt Glassman and Nate Silver”

Nate should go back to his roots and just do polls.



So it sounds like Jordan is going to back a plan to make McHenry a somewhat empowered Speaker Pro Tem until January, but it’s very unclear whether the GOP has 217 votes for that or even close to it. Sounds like some of the GOP wants to try to do that without Dems so that it’s not a coalition leadership in the House and they don’t have to make any concessions related to power sharing. But it sounds like more of the GOP wants to burn it down.

Also the no votes on Jordan are still getting death threats to their families.

Then there’s this fucking guy.

Why don’t they just nominate this McHenry guy and see if he can get 217?