GOP Insanity Thread: a bunch of weirdos weirding out

Cue up the circus music. Too many Jordan supporters won’t back McHenry on a temporary basis.

McCarthy isn’t sure McHenry has a majority of the GOP caucus so the temporary plan may be a total non-starter for the GOP caucus.

Do 8 republicans have the balls to vote against Trump? If they made him speaker could he just delegate everything to Gym?

On the one hand this would be politically risky for Trump. Look what’s happened to the last few Republican Speakers. It’s a shit job, and it’s obviously a step back from POTUS. On the other, he can shut down the federal courts, and it gives him an argument that the Dems are prosecuting a sitting political opponent.

We really may get into the shutdown before the House manages to elect a Speaker or empower a Speaker pro tem. If the GOP can’t put McHenry up for a vote with way > 50% of the GOP caucus, they’re going to have to make significant power sharing concessions to get that many Dem votes, and that’s going to take a lot of pressure - like from an ongoing shutdown that’s clearly the GOP’s fault.

You know, if you’re in a party that mobilizes unhinged second remedy people against your family if you don’t vote for something they want, maybe consider leaving that party? Switch parties, the other guys just send sternly worded letters.

It’s almost like it’s dangerous for a major political party to empower a lunatic fringe.


If these “moderates” receiving threats wanted to send a real message they would flip and vote for Jeffries.

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Meh. That lunatic fringe has had the most power of any faction since 2010.

Remember when John McCain gave thumbs down on the effort to repeal Obamacare? That was cool. Like a Kurt Gibson or Stanford band moment in Congress.

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I mean strong arming people you have no real leverage over doesn’t work. All it does is piss them off. It’s like shooting a bear with a bb gun.

I’d put up a poll asking how this ends, but I’m not even sure what the categories should be.

Most likely outcome compared to all other outcomes is still that Jordan is the next speaker, but it’s probably less than 50 percent.

I don’t really think that’s the most likely outcome. He’s not getting any help from Democrats, and the death threats seem to be hardening opposition against him.

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Man I tuned out of this because in my head I thought there was no way he’d go for a third. Between this and tesla stock this week I’m not sure I can be more rock hard.

This is interesting in a way I havent really seen anyone talk about - for a long time now the republican coalition was literally all the votes in the house that had an R next to their name. They voted in complete lockstep no matter what misgivings they had privately or publicly under trump, because for a minute he had a weird ability to just tank a candidate who was against him or sometimes propel unlikely victories with an endorsement.

The implied and not so implied threats here are - this is trump’s guy (gym), if you go against him we are sic’ing hannity and the voters after you, because this is trump’s guy, and now what seems to me a fairly significant amount of republicans are saying “fuck you” to that.

Now, I will never credit a republican for having a spine til I see actual evidence of it, and spineless people usually act in fairly predictable ways. They’re really voting against trump here. Do they fall in line again if/when he returns to office? If they survive the election, maybe. Either way it’s super interesting and a lot of weird things are in play if they just cannot even elect a speaker.

I don’t think our constitution really anticipated elected representatives acting in such a destructive manner towards its own government. It remains to be seen if attempting to overthrow the US govt actually lands politicians in prison, but, some of this behavior seems to me engineered to disrupt the core functions of the government either as some kind of retaliation, or with moron idiot delusional beliefs like if they can shut the govt down trump won’t go to jail or something something (could see the real lunatic reps, you know the ones, believing shit like this).

anyway, basically this gif

anyway hope i’m wrong but there are like not many super awesome outcomes that I see and the situation will likely suck for a long time until something pops a threshold and massive violence erupts. but whatever happens, it will definitely not be boring, so there’s that.

on another note - how far can you go in expanding the definition of seditious conspiracy before you become tyrannical? Like, I’d love for the law to be able to look at this situation and point out the obvious fact that republicans entire goal for the last 15+ years has been to shut the government down completely if they dont get their way. if you or I took such hostile action towards the united states we’d be in prison forever. not these scum suckers.

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Don’t give them too much credit. They just hate the guy.