GOP Insanity Thread: a bunch of weirdos weirding out

But, but, muh norms!

Republicans are actually getting mad at this tub of shit. Again, then go tell Schumer you’ll vote to change the rules, this isn’t hard.

Sounds like a slippery slope to a more functional government. Wouldn’t want to risk that.

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Can’t keep Santos down, baby.

(salesman slaps roof of op-ed) you can fit soo many logical fallacies in this bad boy

Got to be at least a 25% chance something comes out about this guy. Between this no bank account BS and the gay conversion stuff and the weird law school, he gives off a Santosian vibe.

Here’s a thread on the law school.

Heh, this is like how the Supreme Court turned to be a minefield of ethics scandals that was sitting there all along until someone actually looked at it, and 90% of Congress has also never faced the same kind of scrutiny

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Why are all these people just so fucking weird! A lawyer, married, 5 kids, no bank account! Imagine meeting a person like this. The first thing I’d do is to see if I can see if he’s carrying.


There is something wrong with this picture.

Your wife says “hey my coworker Mike invited us to his place for a work christmas party wanna go?” and you’re like sure why not. While pulling up to his place a cat jumps out at you and you swerve into his car, dinging it slightly. You meet him, his wife, his daughters Mary, Angela, Bathsheba, Jezebel, and infant son Michael, and explain what happened.

“yeah I’ll paypal/venmo or whatever you the repair bill”

He grimaces and shakes his head.

“ok uh I’ll write you a check or money order”

He shakes his head again. You offer cash, and he says “sure, but itll need to be in bullion”. Its then you notice the large wooden paddle prominently mounted on the wall. You say “oh are you into canoeing?”. His wife ushers his children away. Much later you realize you never got her name.

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(It’s the hypocrisy, not the orientation)


And holy crap, I totally forgot about the Blind Side “son”.

I’m late on this no bank account thing, where do the feds direct deposit his salary?

To be clear, he doesn’t have to literally not have a bank account, but he is violating disclosure rules (I know, commodus.gif) if he fails to report assets over a certain amount:

The House Ethics Committee requires members of Congress to disclose all of their household’s bank accounts if the accounts each hold at least $1,000 and have a combined value of more than $5,000. Johnson has made at least $174,000 per year from the combination of his representative salary and any additional payments he received, such as from a teaching appearance. Johnson’s wife has two streams of income, from two different employers.

But on his financial disclosures, Johnson has listed only one asset: a retirement account. In 2016, he listed a state government Fidelity account valued between $1,000 and $15,000. He transferred those savings to a Thrift Savings plan, a federal program, the following year. Johnson appears to have cashed out the entire account in 2021, because he lists no assets at all on his 2022 form.

If there is a benign explanation here, it’s that this family is fucking terrible with money and living paycheck to paycheck on, like, $250k-$300k of income (at least).

This is completely plausible.

I expect the outcome to be similar as well!

We need to update that WSJ graphic about how hard it is for people to make ends meet on a paltry $450k