GOP Insanity Thread: a bunch of weirdos weirding out

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Sure sounds like a shutdown comingā€¦

Fuck my national park vacation is on life support

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Yeah, you were basically drawing dead from the start.

Can you pivot to any state parks that would still be of interest?

when itā€™s shut down you can usually just go in anyway depending on what youā€™re doing. thereā€™s no one to stop you

source: someone who took many natā€™l parks trips during shutdowns (best time to go imho)

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We just want to drive around and do some shorter trails. Good to know thanks. We can try to do some stuff. Gonna assume Carlsbad Caverns will be blocked off.

yeah Iā€™ll have to pivot to cities and state parks. Can throw out the Big Bend portion, since there is nothing worth doing in West Texas besides Big Bend

My other option is to get a last minute flight to somewhere else, but hotels are expensive usually this late where Iā€™d go.

Last time didnā€™t they open but nobody picked up the trash and the facilities were all closed? I seem to remember that.

Yeah, I went to Joshua Tree during a shutdown and thatā€™s what it was like. IIRC the bathrooms were open but not being serviced.

Not a camping/hiking but if I recall correctly they removed the trash cans from Valley Forge but we were stable to walk the dogs. Just had to carry the poop out with us.

Rod Dreher doing an immense amount of telling on himself (and all his conservative buddies):

This is the story heā€™s referencing:

No, you absolutely sick and deranged fuck, none of us know how it feels to come across protesters blocking a road and be like ā€œI should murder them in cold bloodā€

I mean didnā€™t Florida or some other state run by fascist assholes make this legal within the last couple years? Theyā€™re openly for killing liberal protesters and the only thing missing is a NYT ā€œboth sides make good points about whether protesters should be shot in cold blood,ā€ think piece.

lol, Ohio GOP reps are responding to an amendment to their state constitution like ā€œthis doesnā€™t mean shit, actually, and weā€™re going to legislate around itā€

Itā€™s going to be less lol when they actually do it and there are zero consequences

Yeah this is the FL playbook. Just ignore the referendums/ballot initiatives.

This shit needs to be national news, the Dems need to go HAM against it. Post-Trump Republicans are going to keep pulling this shit until thereā€™s a political price for it. And eventually itā€™s going to work.

Except the massive gerrymanders.

FL did this to deny ex-cons the vote, correct?

Looks like we averted another government shutdown (until January, at least) despite of the 93 NO votes from the GOP.

Johnson seems safe from the lunatics trying to remove him for now, but who knows how long that will last if he keeps passing resolutions with a majority of Dem support.

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