GOP Insanity Thread: a bunch of weirdos weirding out

Today’s psycho anti-trans news: at least one West Virginia lawmaker basically wants to criminalize being trans around children

But the fourth part of the definition specifically defines “indecent displays of a sexually explicit nature,” in part, as “any transvestite and/or transgender exposure, performances or display to any minor.” No other group of people or specific type of performance is included.

And because Jesse Singal never shuts the fuck up, some selections from a longer thread:

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Florida still having a very normal one

Fucking PSYCHO

Can’t wait for the part where all of these kids end up in private schools where the grooming and rape will make Epstein and the Catholic Church look like amateurs

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Thread of similarly insane GOP proposals, all from the last ten days

This first one is my favorite because lol, making CRT a religion just makes it immune from government interference :leolol:

I went to a private school on a scholarship and one of the 40+ year old teachers married one of his students the day she turned 18 and no one even batted an eye

“The religion of Secular Humanism”? What is it, 1985? Seems like a weird thing to resurrect and try to tie to CRT.

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We might need a separate thread just to cover Florida insanity.

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I went to a public high school and one of my friends moved in with one of my teachers after she graduated, they’ve been married ever since. Don’t think anyone raised a fuss over that either.

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You sweet summer child.


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Yes he deserved to be bonesawed and I hope he burns in hell.

Seems like being on the other team against the Royals since about 1653? 1776? 2023? is the correct play? Benedict Pompeo

kinda bold for someone on the losing team to advance the “it’s totally ok to murder the losers” theory


That should send a chill down the spine of American journalists. Pompeo isn’t that extreme in American politics. Sounds like he’d have no problem bonesawing a few troublesome liberal “activist” journalists.

Wanting to murder WaPo journalists isn’t even a fringe view in today’s GOP.

Florida things - no idea if this is a reputable source



