GOP Insanity Thread: a bunch of weirdos weirding out

She converted to Christianity a year before pursuing politics, still gave her son a Hindu or Sikh name after that, attended a Sikh temple through at least 2004 and possibly to this day, her kids have lived in big cities and her son attends a liberal northeastern university in a supposed liberal hellhole city and posts pictures in Biggie and Muhammad Ali shirts, she’s pro interracial marriage (her daughter is in one) but anti calling out Confederate slavery, and she’s white when it suits her and minority when it suits her.

The nicest thing I could genuinely say about her is that she seems to have raised her kids well and taught them decent principles based on their life choices. The second nicest thing I could say about her is that she’s not Donald Trump. But that’s about it.

Like, she’s pretty clearly not conservative deep down within, but she wanted to get into politics and figured that was her best path, so she joined the party in which she knew she’d have to go against her actual beliefs. Is there a word for that? It’s like the moral version of carpet bagging.

She’s a shameless piece of shit, the end.

domestic terrorism about to spike hard


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If anyone knows about changing names, it’s Nimrata Haley.

Not really. If I didn’t know better I’d say you were spending too much time on Fox News.

Nikki is her actual legal middle name that is on her birth certificate.

It’s apparently a common name in the part of India that her family is from.

lol, guy who hates Harvard also desperately seeks the status it confers:

The school describes itself as an “open-enrollment institution prioritizing access, equity, and transparency.” Eligibility for the school is, according to its website, “largely based on your performance in up to three requisite Extension degree courses, depending on your field, that you must complete with distinction.” High school grades and SAT and ACT scores aren’t required at the institution.

Rufo, in an email, disagreed that there was any difference between Harvard Extension School and any other school. He said he was unaware of any debate over whether HES should be referred to differently than any other graduate degree from Harvard.

:leolol: at Harvard extension school. Isn’t that basically a small step above devry or university of Phoenix?

I thought the whole point of those extension schools was so people could put Harvard on their resume without having gone to Harvard.

I would think in case of Harvard it more about them being able to claim they providing a service to general humanity or something?

Lol so many companies send their execs to “(Insert Ivy) MBA Extension” lololol it’s all bullshit

Maybe, but I think it’s mostly a for-profit University of Phoenix Harvard kind of deal.

Lol I’m not sure what your issue is lately but you have been awfully contrarian with everybody on here and UP over the most trivial stuff. You ok?

You must be new here. It’s not lately, It’s how I’ve always posted. It’s almost a running joke at this point. I am what I am.

However, on this particular point I don’t think it’s trivial. You’re doing a thing that massive racists do. In your case, I’m sure it wasn’t racism and you just didn’t know, which is very different. But now you know, so you’re welcome.

Someone posted a story about how she forced her husband to switch to his middle name. I commented that she did the same thing. Not sure what’s racist about that but you do you, melk.

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Huh? Why it racist? Someone posted about Haley forcing someone to change their name to their middle name and he said Haley pretty experienced on that?

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She did not do “the same thing”.

source: Nikki Haley - Wikipedia

Since you’re such puristst, do you guys want to point me to the times that people called out Mitt Romney for using his middle name?

Or how about when people were accusing Beto of doing something wrong with going by “Beto”, and he pointed out he went by that name as child. I guess he was wrong for pointing that out.

It’s not inherently racist. It is just something that racists do. We wouldn’t want coasterbrad to be confused with those people, would we?

It thought was pretty common for people to mock him by calling him “Mittens”, not precisely same but poking at politician name choices is nothing new