GOP Insanity Thread: a bunch of weirdos weirding out

Come on, man. That’s not the same at all.

If you need it spelled out for you the reason why the racists do that thing with ‘Nikki’ is because they are implying that she did it to sound more American because her first name would tell you she is not a “real American”. I’m paraphrasing, because I’m can’t really see inside their lizard brains.

Surely, you can see the difference.

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It is more in the vein as referring to Obama as ‘Barack Hussein’. Also, by misspelling her name to make it more clearly into an insult, Nimrata=nimrod. Sure, one can use the 'its her name, how is it racist or insulting?", but no one is giving Trump a pass for saying ‘Barack Hussein’.


Thanks. That’s a great example.

I guess I just have to trust that coasterbrad comment itself was offensive I can’t argue with how it was experienced by you. I obviously can see where it gets close ton problematic themes but the story here was the forced name change on husband so pointing out the amusing irony(?) of being middle name but didn’t seem anything more than lighthearted.

As I said above, I’m sure he didn’t mean it that way (i.e, the problematic way).

I was merely pointing it out so he would know something he didn’t know and hopefully avoid being confused for a racist in the future by someone who didn’t know him.

I probably could have been nicer about it.

I am reminded of this:

I think everyone here agrees that there’s nothing wrong with going by whatever name you want to be called, but it is all a bit rich from the party of anti-trans bigots who think it’s a YUGE DEAL to call someone by their preferred name when it’s a result of identifying as a gender that differs from their birth certificate.


Overheard at the poker table the other day…

50-something white guy: You know who I really like for VP? Vivek.

30-something white guy: Oh yeah, he’s great. Definitely the choice!

50swg: That guy is a lock to be president someday!

30swg: Oh for sure, he’s brilliant.

50swg: He’s smart, he’s fun, and he’s a fighter - he really gives it to the corporate media and doesn’t pull any punches, etc.

They go a couple rounds like this with me debating headphones vs. poker table political argument to the death. I decide to wait for the non-partisan entry point that I just know they will give me.

50swg: Plus, he’s a self-made billionaire!

Me: That’s true, but do you know how he made his money?

Young kid next to 50swg giggles.

50swg: Saving lives!

Me: Actually he bought a drug company that had failed trials, spun the data and lied about it and said it was the next big thing, pumped up the value, exited, and then it failed all its future trials.

50swg: No way, that can’t be true.

Me: It is, you can look it up.

30swg: But he’s still self made though! (somewhat kidding)

Me: Well, that’s true.

30swg: That’s the most American kind of self-made there is! (no longer kidding, serious, likes it)

Me: Well I can’t argue with that either.

30swg: Besides, isn’t that the same thing Pfizer and Moderna did with the covid vaccines?

Me: Let’s not even go there.

Headphones on.


Doing gods work. Thank you.

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Lol. I don’t know how you deal with that.

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I also don’t understand how someone as smart and progressive as CW would want to play poker for a living while also subjecting himself to a toxic work environment.

Life is too short.


I dunno, if he’s playing for a living that means he is sucking money out of the MAGA-economy. That’s admirable.


This is how things are going over on the GOP side right now. Stuff like this happens every day over there. This, fortunately, is who we’re going to be running against in the general election.

Link from within that article:

LANSING, Mich. — The mutiny took hold on Mackinac Island.

The Michigan Republican Party’s revered two-day policy and politics gathering, the Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference, was an utter mess.

Attendance had plummeted. Top-tier presidential candidates skipped the September event, and some speakers didn’t show. Guests were baffled by a scoring system that rated their ideology on a scale, from a true conservative to a so-called RINO, or Republican in name only.

And the state party, already deeply in debt, had taken out a $110,000 loan to pay the keynote speaker, Jim Caviezel, an actor who has built an ardent following among the far right after starring in a hit movie this summer about child sex trafficking. The loan came from a trust tied to the wife of the party’s executive director, according to party records.

lol Jesus Christ

With major donors fleeing, Karamo pitched a new direction for the state party: trying to persuade nearly 500,000 small-business owners in Michigan, who she claimed were right-leaning, to contribute $10 to $50 every month. After a “60-day infrastructure ramp-up time,” she projected that the party would raise as much as $60 million annually.

It did not.

By July, the party had less than $150,000 in the bank. Under siege, the state party leadership began to hold meetings in private. A meeting that month devolved into a fistfight that broke a county chair’s dentures and left him with stress fractures in his spine, The Detroit News reported.

Karamo soon began expelling dissident party officials. Vice chairs began complaining in the news media that they felt sidelined. Two members of the budget committee resigned out of fear of liability, according to the report compiled by anti-Karamo Republicans. And she dissolved the party’s conflict-resolution committee.

The tumultuous Mackinac gathering left Michigan Republicans even more alienated.

“They scored us as being solid Republican — a one, two, three or a four — and a number four being a RINO,” said Pete Hoekstra, a former ambassador to the Netherlands during the Trump administration and a former Republican congressman from Michigan. “We’re supposed to be building a party, not dividing a party into our own categories.”

By November, Karamo was trying to sell the party’s former headquarters, a building blocks from the state Capitol in Lansing that had been paid for by two wealthy donors. Karamo and the state party do not own the building; it is owned by a trust controlled by former state party chairs.

Karamo had vacated the headquarters months earlier, arguing that its maintenance fees were an unnecessary cost. When she left, Karamo allowed the electricity to be shut off, which released the building’s electronic locks and left it open to the public, according to the report from Republicans opposed to the party chair.

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These are the people that met in my hometown in 22 and 23 and had physical fights at the local hotel/conference place owned by some family friends.

Maga on Maga crime essentially.


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Help me on this one

Got that dawg in him.


And that dawg is definitely a dachshund.

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