Invasion of Ukraine: Why Doesn't Russia Concede Kursk and Negotiate Peace?

where does Hersh go to get his apology?

Dutch intelligence authorities have warned of Russian attempts to sabotage its North Sea energy infrastructure and told operators to be on their guard.

Russia had instigated “activities that indicate espionage as well as preparing operations for disturbance and sabotage” of underwater cables, wind farms and gas pipelines in the North Sea, said a report published by the Dutch military intelligence unit MIVD on Monday.

General Jan Swillens, head of MIVD, said at a news conference that a ship had been detected attempting to map energy infrastructure in the North Sea in recent months but that the ship had been unsuccessful as it was escorted away by the Dutch navy and coastguard.

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It may turn out that the USA cut that line (seems unlikely to me), but lol at anyone who turbo believed that fanfic

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bradleys in ukraine

Xi can’t be dumb enough to get involved in this war at this point, can he? Seems like a huge loser move.

last time china got involved in a war was in 1970s. so precedent seems to point on xi passing, especially since it does not achieve any strategic goals for china. but they will negotiate their darnedest to be compensated for non-involvement.

amazing thing i found out about vucic today, he got his start being the minister of propaganda for yet another war criminal ocnvicted at the hague, milosevic. to this day, eu diplomats are not only avoiding dealing with serbia due to their connections with russia, but also because they know what a lying son of bitch he is.


In March 1998, Vučić was appointed Minister of Information in the government of Mirko Marjanović.[22] Scholars described Vučić as the crucial figure in the shaping of turn-of-the century media policies in Serbia.[23] Following rising resentment against Milošević, Vučić introduced fines for journalists who criticized the government and banned foreign TV networks.[24] He recalled in 2014 that he was wrong and had changed, stating "I was not ashamed to confess all my political mistakes ".[25]

what are the chances the air raid sirens going off while Dark Brandon walked around Kiyv were just for theatrical effect?

I’d say low. Air raid sirens are going off all the time. They don’t mean that Kyiv specifically was under attack, only that there was a possible attack in the region. The majority of the country is under frequent air raid alert.


Looks like they are much rarer in Kyiv

So I revise “low” to “who the fuck knows”

do the GOP turds who are pro-putin but anti-china have even a pretense of a coherent position?

White supremacy


that is unfortunately spot on. ethnic “russians” are a minority in russia, but the propaganda has put them on top of a hierarchy. but scratching the surface, russians are not a single minority group at all, the tsarist and soviet times forced mass resettlements where people lost their identity and became “russian”. there was a generation of adolescents from the 1920s who lost all family and were raised in orphanages.

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Yep, and Putin wants to do it again. But domestically, Putin is white and Christian and therefore OK, but Xi is not.

This is somewhat far fetched but the only way it seems like a win for China is if Xi could draw NATO into direct conflict with Russia and basically flip the proxy war around on the US.

Instead of Ukraine fighting Russia as US proxy, Russia would be fighting US as China’s proxy.

yeah that sounds like a really dangerous game with pretty low rewards and huge risks, doesn’t seem like it’s in the Xi playbook. You really need a non-nuclear country as the puppet in this case, if they wanted to try this they would need to manufacture a new Afghanistan conflict or something along those lines.

I think it makes more sense that China doesn’t want a precedent where the Western world successfully rallies around an invaded nation. If Russia wins in Ukraine or can at least draw this out for many years at great cost to NATO and its allies then they will be much more reluctant to support Taiwan when China invades.

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right, that’s the thing all these dumb GOP shitheads are missing, if they really do want to contain china they should absolutely be trying to get russia to withdraw as fast as possible. Biden has done an absolutely incredible job so far of keeping NATO in lockstep here but who knows how long he can keep it up.

I really think Biden may end up in the history books as one of the most successful presidents ever on a VORP basis when looking at foreign policy, too bad he’s like bottom of the barrel on domestic shit.

How many past presidents you got above him on domestic policy? Can’t be many

ETA I may have misread your post

So seems like Putin speech today was mostly a snoozer? Although hadn’t he given a bunch of boring speeches right before his unhinged special military operation speech?

biden’s foreign and domestic policies have both been impressive in different ways. that doesn’t mean we get all the progress we want. but it’s comparable to obama’s first term post housing crisis, which in retrospect was less of an emergency than the pandemic.