Invasion of Ukraine: Why Doesn't Russia Concede Kursk and Negotiate Peace?

From the West, maybe.



Russia took down a US drone over the Black Sea.

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bwahahaha this is pathetic. canā€™t even come up with their own meme content, stealing from ukraine

That kind of thing seems to happen a lot

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those are the Terra unit i linked a few days ago. the episode is most definitely a joke for their youtube channel


Seeing a lot of headlines with this Xi visit in Russia. Is getting all publicly buddy, buddy with Russia really all that beneficial for China looking at the longterm?

letā€™s see how it works out for them.

they are signaling that they want to be the peacemakers, inviting putin to join calls for negotiations. thatā€™s really why russia is trying to squeeze out a few more sq kilometers around bakhmut before freezing the border.

but thereā€™s no chance ukrainians will negotiate before trying another offensive. at least iā€™ll be really surprised. itā€™s just a ploy to portray ukraine as unwilling party. leopards gonna be released before they negotiate.

AFU also for the first time used RAAM mine to destroy another ten russian tanks. itā€™s seemed to have remotely spread anti-tank mines on the retreat route for a russian attack, and the enemy rolled right over them.

iā€™ve argued years ago that putin created an army specifically made for the european theater, basically a lot of tanks that can go through fields. well, it seems that strategy hasnā€™t been thought through by shoigu/gerasimov/surkin braintrust.

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At this point what the earliest this reasonably could happen as far as weather/mud considerations?

i think mid april is absolute earliest. but may is probably more likely. however the deciding factor is going to be armor readiness, not weather. we know the temperatures will eventually be warm enough, but we donā€™t yet know how many leopards will be storming melitopol.

zaluzhnyj has been accumulating storm brigades for a few months now. it doesnā€™t strike me that he would willingly play into the russian dictated battles to exhaustion, where a well trained soldier is only there to take out 5 or even ten wagner convicts. bakhmut is buying time for AFU, but it must be costing RU most of offensive capability. plus AFU has shown itself to be adaptable in this conflict, even taking the US advice seriously. RU has shown to become a bigger disaster with each passing week.

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on the subject of casualties, AFU spox today had to pull off a baghdad bob act, and said two things, 1) afu does not have close to 100k casualties. he said that number would be ā€œimpossibleā€. 2) by their accounting the comparative casualties are between 1:7 and 1:8. on some fronts/operations the number is 1:10.

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Putin and Xi talked meeting for >4hrs, seems like a long ass meeting lol

remember back in the early days of the invasion when we were finding out that tons of russian armor and vehicles were non-functional due to poor maintenance? I just sort of offhand mentioned that maybe their nukes are also non-functional.

some pretty dark humor copium there ā€œonly lose a city or twoā€

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Unfortunately even if like 75 percent of their nukes are non-functional thatā€™s still civilization ending.

Agree, and even if theyā€™re not currently working Russia has the talent and materials to do new nuclear weapons right? Like they run a lot of nuclear power and have material, experience, and science down.

Iā€™d bet that their submarine based weapons are well maintained even if the missile silos in the middle of Siberia or whereever might not be

well I guess weā€™re probably gonna find out!

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Probably already did lol.

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Greenwald has a Rumble show now? Hahahahahahahaha

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