Invasion of Ukraine: Why Doesn't Russia Concede Kursk and Negotiate Peace?

I’m wondering if this offensive is going to more like


Where everyone knows it’s on and within a few weeks we know if it’s likely to be successful or just going to be a steady grind lasting who knows how long. I know it’s always getting talked up as a big heroic moment but wonder if that how it ends up working

it will be more like the Kherson liberation, rather than the kharkiv offensive.

apparently JDAM.

So it’s really starting now?

many people read into this as a start of a counteroffensive. but most analysts say it’s not accurate to describe separate offensive actions as an operation, and thus these are just preliminary recon and/or forcing actions designed for RU to get pinned down in one stretch of the front.

the AFU leadership also knows that op sec is probably one of the factors that can sabotage their success, so we are just not going to get a heads up until a day or a few into it.

looks like ukraine is expanding their kherson effort

Sometimes Ukraine is really bad at PR

The UA flag patch you see there is from the Nazi band Death in June who use an SS death head as their logo. The other day there was a report of Ukrainian soldiers being trained abroad and they put a soldier with the call sign “Adolf” front and center. How about not playing into Russian propaganda’s hands?

maybe theyre a teensy bit nazi

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war is fucked up man. A win is successfully executing a meat grinder and retreat

yeah active defense is brutal, for both sides. btw prigozhin mentioned losses at 5:1. even that seems impossibly low for an assault carried out by incompetent commanders and mobilized/convicts, rather than regular army. AFU defenders are also likely to be mobilized but they had longer and better training period. and a quality edge in weapon systems. at that point 6:1 or 7:1 would maybe explain the logic of making the stand at bakhmut.

good thread

Oil storage facility in Crimea


damn, greta isn’t going to like that

Was just thinking that looks awfully environmentally damaging.



yet another confession (really a boasting) to a war crime. russian federation nationalist describes his wife (really throws under the hague bus) coming up with a plan to i.d. kherson anti-occupation protestors via security footage, and arrest them all. she then outsourced the arrests to a different nationalist who was looting houses at the time, and he quickly filled the jail with protestors, at which point they started having to dig graves for them. all of these events are happening in march 2022.
