Invasion of Ukraine: Why Doesn't Russia Concede Kursk and Negotiate Peace?

What air defense doing?


Was trying to think of something witty to change the title to. “PriGotHim” is much better than anything I could have come up with.

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I approve of this title change

Oh man that would be hilarious

lol at the forum dipshits who said prigozhin would fall out of a window


If he cheated death then Moscow has to be the worst place in the world to pick for landing.

Dude made it 60 more days, impressive.

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What are people seeing on bomb vs missile? Seems like couple Twitter guys saying Russia claiming it was a plane bomb but people saw a missile and western intelligence says was a missile

(Higgins is the founder of Bellingcat)

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More than 4 standard deviations. Ran like a golden god.

Russia levels a Wagner cemetery

Damn, those guys really hate each other.

I guess they don’t have Breaking Bad in Russian?

non-paywall link

The Prigozhin affair contains a further lesson. He made two miscalculations, you might say: one was launching the rebellion in the first place, but, having done so, the real error was ending it prematurely. Putin may have frightened the Ă©lite into obedience, but now they all know, once and for all, that any supposed claims of a pardon or forgiveness can’t be trusted. That leaves only the most extreme option. On the night of Prigozhin’s death, a Telegram channel run by a far-right unit linked to Wagner published a post that was quickly shared widely: “Let this be a lesson to all,” it read. “Always go all the way.”

The moral of the story is I chose a half measure when I should have gone all the way. I’ll never make that mistake again. No more half measures, Walter.

wtf hard to imagine going to crimea on a vacation these days. From a cnn article


Svitlana said that most people who are still vacationing in Crimea are booking low budget holidays, either camping or staying in the cheapest hotels or private accommodation. People who could afford to stay in the more upscale resorts are going to other, safer destinations.

She told CNN she did not enjoy her time in Crimea. “I’m so tired of the constant warplanes overhead, of the constant military in the city, of the wounded, of these poor people running away with frightened eyes, of the military equipment that almost crushed me a couple of times,” she said, recalling an incident when an armored personnel carrier nearly collided with her car.

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“I’m so tired of my vacation being ruined by poor people running away from war, fearing for their lives. Won’t they just shut the hell up so I can enjoy the beach?”

I guess I’d agree, that does sound like a pretty lousy vacation!

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After the first drone attack the Ukrainians call Ministry of Emergency situations and ask for a damage report. The Russian lady obliges and tells them only one aircraft was hit. The Ukrainians thank her, adjust the coordinates and send more drones to destroy the other airplanes.

Can’t believe no one ever thought of that before.