Invasion of Ukraine: Why Doesn't Russia Concede Kursk and Negotiate Peace?

Ukraine is out of air defense capabilities and artillery shells. Russia is exploiting that fact with ballistic missile strikes and a ground offensive.

Republican Party very proud of itself helping out its buddy Vlad.

Just wait til they find out what Vlad’s doing to (non-Orthodox) Christians in Ukraine. Surely they will come around!

“Ukrainian Christian groups face violent crackdown from Russian forces”


Was looking for Iran updates and saw this.
Claim is Ukraine hit it with something 300km away from border and it flew a little further and crashed. Would seem to be a big deal if true^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet

Wonder where this leads things longterm as far as final outcome of the war? Seems impossible that Ukraine would drive out Russia at this point

At some point one of them has to break. If Russia is unable to replace lost materiel and soldiers, they will be pushed. Russia was only able to advance when Ukraine ran out of artillery shells and ammunition due to stopped US support. Before then their only successes where ballistic missile strikes which they will run out of sooner or later.

Russia has put quite a bit of their economy to war time production and is buying a lot of weapons from India, China and Iran. I don’t think the 60 billion currently approved is going to turn the tide and sanctions are not working with India not being part of them. Maybe if Western countries start shooting down drones like they did for Israel but without that Ukraine is going to have a tough summer.

In the long run, I would guess Russia has the advantage. They’re not dependent on anyone else politically, unlike Ukraine. Seems extremely doubtful there’s any political will in the west to directly intervene. If Trump wins, it’s all over.

can we extrapolate from this number of officers to rank and file enlisted men?

Last year BBC and others collected publicly available information to count Russian soldiers who died in Ukraine and came up with ~47000. There were probably around 2500 verified officers killed in action at the time. That’s roughly 19:1 which is likely an undercount because officers deaths likely are announced more prominently while those recruited from prison might not be mentioned at all. Russia latest offensive around Bakhmut and Avdiivka has been described as a meatgrinder and non-officer deaths probably skyrocketed.
Conservatively, there are at the very least 75-80k dead Russian soldiers but there might be two or three times as many.

Thia could be huge

Seems like the Ukraine headlines continue to get more disheartening. Obviously takes time for all the renewed aid to arrive but still

While anything that tilts the field for Ukraine sounds great to me, if USA starts sending better (and consequently more expensive) hardware, won’t this exhaust the current aid package faster and make a new one necessary sooner? I would be worried about counting on additional aid unless Democrats have a trifecta.

Also if US falls into a recession the political pressure on Biden and swing district Dems in Congress to minimize foreign aid will increase.

Isn’t giving stimulus to US companies a popular thing to do in recession? Not like Ukraine is manufacturing this stuff

it’s also modernizing our own forces. basically what they do is spend the $60B on new toys for our troops and then send the old stuff to ukraine