Invasion of Ukraine: Why Doesn't Russia Concede Kursk and Negotiate Peace?

Ukraine should announce a referendum in the Kursk region on joining Ukraine.

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Nobody has shown even a theoretical capability of intercepting an ICBM before MIRV separation. Relative speeds and time to intercept means you need to either launch from space or use lasers which was the whole Star Wars concept under Reagan that never got anywhere. Full capabilities of MIRV are mostly coming from looking at tests and the Russian have had tests as recent as 2018 which was one of the reasons one of the treaties got cancelled. Those test and USA Trident tests indicate the downward trajectory of a MIRV is not just a simple ballistic trajectory making intercepts way more difficult. UK tests included decoys and other countermeasures.
I donā€™t understand how people can think Russia doesnā€™t care about their only real deterrent against China and the USA when they are testing and deploying a new missile now.
Also thinking a F35 can intercept a MIRV is a joke. Do people think intercepting a missile is done by being in the exact same place as the missile and then you collide with it? Any anti missile system explodes in the predicted path of the missile to fill a large amount of space with enough hot shrapnel to try and take out any missile that goes through it.

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Iā€™m not doubting this but with these MIRV missiles being around since the 60s/70s why have countries continued to care about ICBM defense? Surely there still some purpose other than just sweet government contracts? There must be some use case right?

I thought the interceptions that shot down the Iranian stuff in space were kinetic only and physically rammed the missile?

Didnā€™t know LEAP warheads were deployed but looks like they were a couple of years ago. That is also why China and Russia are still developing newer versions of their MIRV missiles. They want to make sure no missile defence system can stop their deterrent. That arms race has not stopped it is just one sided as the USA is focusing a defence especially against North Korea and Iran while Russia and China want to make sure they canā€™t be defeated by a first strike. If someone would argue not to worry about North Korea and Iran then I would agree as their missiles are still of the type Russia and USA build in the 70s or maybe 80s.

Ruh roh. Here come the Flying Tigers part 2. I donā€™t know how many retired military aviators you guys have met but I was in the car business in the early 00ā€™s in San Antonioā€¦ which is where you end up if you canā€™t get a job at an airline.

Thereā€™s not a single one of those dudes who had been out <10 years who wouldnā€™t have snap taken this offer for 5-10k a week in 2003 money. Do you know how much damage a recently retired airforce F16 pilot could do to the Russians in a week?

@skydiver what are your thoughts about how easy/hard itā€™ll be to recruit retired F16 pilots to go kill Russians?

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Reddit folks seem to think this bridge in Russia was of some importance^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet

The German government in its infinite wisdom decided for fiscal reasons to stop sending aid to Ukraine. Disgraceful, short-sighted and idiotic.

People seem to not think this guy is a complete idiot. I think he sounds confident and makes sense overall. He explains why that bridge matters at some length. Obv very pro Ukranian not that thereā€™s another way to be in August 2024.


Why the hell did Biden negotiate to free this moron? Thereā€™s is no russian opposition.

What? He went to prison for opposing the invasion of Ukraine. I heard him interviewed today on CNN, he seems like a decent person. Thereā€™s nothing intrinsically wrong with looking to a future, post-Putin, where Russia is re-integrated into the civilized world.

What did he say about Ukraine in that interview?


Holy shit, if true.

Millions dead sounds like an exaggeration but the result would be really, really bad.

Are they pretty concerned about failure based on current damage or if it targeted further?