LOL Democrats: Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory

Do you prefer to call it the “Constitutional Option” then? Do you even know what nuking the filibuster means? Because you are very much describing nuking the filibuster. I can’t tell if you’re trolling me or extremely dense lol.

I think it’s more that you don’t understand some key facts about the filibuster. It only takes 50 votes and the VP to change any rule, filibuster or no.

Sir, you are describing the nuclear option. Perhaps this wikipedia article will enlighten you. For reference, the key assertion I’m refuting is above. Nuclear option - Wikipedia

It doesn’t really matter what can be done since it’s been shown the Dems won’t even get rid of unwritten rules to thwart anything the Republicans want to do.


The nuclear option generally refers to removing the filibuster for everything. That’s not what is being discussed

I don’t totally understand what the disagreement here is but I don’t think it’s deserving of any animus.


Embarrassing party

Her being a super condescending asshole while severely demented is chefs kiss.


People with dementia basically revert to their true selves.

How does Feinstein keep getting re-elected? Honestly, I’m not even mad at her, I’m mad at the dipshit voters of California who keep saddling us with someone who can’t do her job.

In defense of the voters of the great state of California (many people are saying it’s “CA GOAT”), this is also - perhaps more so - an institutional/party failure. Most people don’t read the news regularly, and even if they did, what coverage would they have seen indicating that Feinstein needed to be put out to pasture? All the elected leaders they might have looked to for advice gave bad advice:

Thanks, Obama. This wasn’t just an instance of voters making a bad choice, it was all the institutions around them telling them to make that choice.

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politics in ca are much more complicated than they appear. california voters are also much more conservative than they pretend to be. the party wields enormous power and $ in the state and if you want to be a serious contender for practically any position in govt you need the party’s backing, and, well, you know how pelosi et al are.

she has name recognition and a “good track record” although I’ve honestly tried finding lists of her accomplishments and I’ve not been very impressed.

If Dianne Feinstein were just some random person, she’d be in a memory care facility right now.

Instead she’s one of the 100 most powerful people in the country.

Great system we have here.

Memory care? Try hospice

Same building different paperwork.


Saw a headline that she had VZV encephalitis which is a pretty damn serious problem

Oh man that reminds me of one of the bigger arguments I’ve gotten into with a physician. Patient had zoster in her eye (oof) and was getting admitted for IV acyclovir. Infectious disease doc comes and tells me that we need to do an LP right away because she’s complaining of a headache and could have VZV meningitis as well.

Problem is that the treatment for zoster in the eye and vzv meniginitis is exactly the same and I didn’t feel like putting a needle in someone’s back for academic purposes. I won, pt was on a blood thinner which clinched things for me, but still

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That reminds me of a recent argument I had with a NP at a walk-in for my 7 y.o. Took her when she was sick, coughing, fever, ear pain, etc but no sore throat. NP or PA (I can never tell the difference) checked her ears and they looked red so diagnosed an ear infection, and prescribed amoxicillin. NP also wanted to swab my daughter for strep. My daughter hates the throat swab, for whatever reason, it’s agony for her, begged not to do it, cried, etc. I asked “isn’t the treatment for strep amoxicillin which she’s taking anyway?” NP says, “Yes, but we still have to check.” Went back and forth for a while before she relented and I left with my script for amox.

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Yeah that’s fucking dumb, but more because it’s dumb to swab someone with no sore throat for strep. Especially when they’re fully capable of talking to you at 7 and you have an other source.

Feds are sometime shitty about amox or whatever, they get pissed if you treat without a swab.

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