LOL Democrats: Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory

I think she already quit the Democratic Party


So half of Senate Democrats, including Schumer, haven’t called for his resignation. My favorite is Booker, though. He’s called for his resignation but won’t call for or vote for expulsion. Way to take a stand, there, Cory.

This is amazing for Fetterman’s brand. I’m genuinely shocked nobody else is copycatting him already. Goddamn would he have whipped Oz’s ass if he hadn’t stroked out mid campaign.

The boomers think professionalism is politeness and upper class dialect and they value it in their leaders for some reason. Gen X onward love a combative politician who fights a little bit dirty because being ‘professional’ in a crisis is a really good tell someone is incompetent.

Let me tell you if you manage to screw something up so badly that you get me, a chronic people pleaser who would MUCH rather convince you to do what I want than try force, to chew you out… and then you cry about how I’m not being professional? Ooh boy you are about to get laid the fuck out verbally lol. The subject will be the abject lack of professionalism in your work. I will send you home considering a career change.

Chewing people out is an amazing 5th-6th pitch because the less you use it the better it works.

It’s really hard to imagine a good leader being super civil in the current situation. It just doesn’t make any sense. The stakes are too high and we are too far away from anything resembling a solution to be polite.

One observation I have had over my career is that there is a certain constant passive aggression always coming from the rat race executive types, 99% of the time if this passive aggression is countered with direct in your face aggression they don’t know what to do at all.

You can’t do it all the time or you’ll be labeled a bully but I pick my spots every now and then

Yeah it’s definitely something you shouldn’t overuse, but like the QB sneak it’s very very very effective used the correct amount of the time.

Seems like a not great development for democrats:

I believe this was previously the most democratically-leaning/voting religious minority in the US.

On the other hand…

Yeah, democrats seem fucked from both sides.

ehh this piece is pretty light on data, it’s basically like “hey look, Fox wants to nuke Gaza and here are a few Jews who agree” (while citing Bari Weiss’s fake outlet).

There are a lot of Jews who hate Bibi and aren’t on board with the genocide.

I have a hard time believing this is going to move the needle all that much come election season. Who are the muslims in America going to vote for Donald ‘let’s stop all the brown people from coming to the US at all’ Trump? They’re going to hold their noses and vote for Biden like the rest of us.

Hopefully Biden pulls a rabbit out of his hat and gets this to end sooner than it otherwise would have. It won’t matter politically I’m just hoping there’s a way to get the Israeli’s back on a leash before they fully genocide Gaza.

Muslim Americans already voted Trump at a higher rate than Jewish Americans so, yeah. Look at his gains amongst religious hispanics. He does well with religious people, all religions. Jewish people are, I think, secular at a higher rate than other religious groups. Culture wars shit plays well with religious people of all denominations.

There is an element of voter psychology that I just don’t yet understand, perhaps some here do, but it’s been a conspicuous factor in the Individual #1 era, and the phenomenon is that some voters perceive a sleight on some issue by Hilldawg or Sleepy, and they’re like Nope now I’m voting for orange who is 10 times worse on that issue. Like the Union stuff comes to mind, sure Biden, despite trying to brand himself as a “union man” is far from pristine in favoring union positions across the board, but yeah that shit hits the news cycle, it’s like union support is cratering for Biden and they all love orange now. Some of this is fake news for sure, but if you’re a union person in a purple state, I understand being disappointed but now you’re going to spite your face?

Maybe it’s something like a latent desire for the strongman that gets activated in the lower level of the brain as soon as you feel betrayed, idk, but religious minorities souring on Biden given the alternative is headexplode.gif.

Or they stay home on election day.

Or vote third party.

Or they hold their noses but don’t donate to the campaign or volunteer to turn out the vote.

Arizona was won by ~10k votes and has a Muslim population of ~110k.
Georgia was won by ~12k votes and has a Muslim population of ~124k.
Wisconsin was won by ~20k votes and has a Muslim population of ~70k.
Pennsylvania was won by ~80k votes and has a Muslim population of ~150k.
Michigan was won by ~155k votes and has a Muslim population of ~240k.

There is little leeway. Biden needs to win at least 3 of those and every other state he won in 2020.

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What’s this based on? My impression is that Biden has been very good on labor issues and I wasn’t aware of any large drop in support.

I also don’t think it’s quite as calculated as you said:

I think it’s rather that you still have to earn people’s votes, and if you act in a way that makes a group of people feel really gross about voting for you because what you’re doing is so antithetical to their interests, then maybe they won’t vote for you. And like Louis said, that has lots of forms that still hurt Biden well short of going “lulz I’m full MAGA now”.

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Also I had a vague memory that Jeremy Peters is a hack but couldn’t remember why (and wasn’t sure if I was confusing him with his hack colleague Peter Baker), and have since confirmed this is true:

A group of high-profile New York Times journalists on Tuesday privately fired back against NewsGuild of New York president Susan DeCarava, over a letter that she’d written affirming journalists’ right to criticize the paper in order to address workplace conditions, a response that came amid a dispute over the Times’ coverage of transgender issues. “Factual, accurate journalism that is written, edited, and published in accordance with Times standards does not create a hostile workplace,” reads the letter, which was organized by reporter Jeremy Peters and, in the past 24 hours, collected dozens of signatures.

I had the rail strike in mind, but I don’t know if that caused any measured erosion of support, was sort of merging it with 2016 and just a lot of blue collar union defections from Ds based on… the idea that the union busting party is going to do better by unions. Well, of course that wasn’t the main catalyst for economic anxiety voters, but I still feel like Ds atm, far more so than Rs, have to walk a very tight rope to not piss off various components of their coalition when they make damned if you damned if you don’t decisions, whereas for Rs yolo nothing matters.

The rail strike really wasn’t something the WH could let happen to be fair. It’s one thing to have a strike it’s another thing to have a rail strike. You shut down the rail for a day you don’t get the day back you’re now a day late on every shipment for the rest of the year. You do that for a week… well you guys lived through COVID. If the automakers make fewer cars this year that’s not amazing for the economy but it doesn’t trigger a supply chain cascade in every other industry in the country either.

I’ll freely agree that they should have gotten the rail unions a better deal, and that they would have gotten a better deal if they had been allowed to strike.

Sounds like a bunch of good reasons to give the rail unions what they wanted.

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