LOL Democrats: Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory

Bloomberg was the best mayor they’ve had, probably because he wasn’t in it for the grift

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But why? It seems like it’s so much more dysfunctional than most other major US cities.

They had to choose between either blaming immigrants or teenage shoplifters or fare hoppers.

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Are we sure about that? Chicago had Lori Lightfoot, Miami had a guy who tried to put the city on crypto, every Detroit and Atlanta mayor ends up in jail, I mean it seems most mayors are just employees of real estate developers with huge egos and tempers

Boston mayors have been good recently thankfully

LA is surprisingly functional for how chaotic it is, imo

Honestly, NYC just seems an order of magnitude more fucked up than any major world city I can think of. They can’t even keep the library open, FFS.


They spend 10x to build anything. It’s nuts.


I find it interesting that majority of governors of both parties seem reasonably able to run a state (until they start trying to make news as president contender) but mayors are like 75% corrupt grifters doing cocaine on government time.


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For what it’s worth, in past years I played 20/40 LHE with the now-mayor of Seattle. Back then he was just a city council person.

Standard tight nit style, didn’t get hammered or get obnoxious. Seemed okay?

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That’s very wholesome.

He actually was pretty easy to overlook compared to some of the characters in that game.

RIP Diamond Lil’s!



LOL the guy who bribed Menendez reported gold bars were stolen in an armed robbery, got them back, and now they were found (with same serial number) in Menendez’s house LOLOLOLOL

Lool even better than expected when you read it, i thought it was that the bars were claimed to be stolen awhile back will he secretly kept them to do shady shit with.

But no they genuinely were stolen and returned by police
For example, a Swiss Bank Corporation gold bar with serial number 590005 that the FBI said it seized from the senator’s home in a 2023 search was also reported stolen by Daibes — and returned to him — a decade earlier. Daibes’ signature and initials appear on the evidence log which included each specific gold bars with corresponding serial number.

Under existing precedent this still is not bribery lol law no quid pro quo!

LMAO Fetterman paid to have George Santos give a message to Menendez.

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