LOL Democrats: Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory


Easiest public opinion poll ever

53% of Americans couldn’t even tell you who Netanyahu is.

The reaction is waaay overblown

“I don’t know who that is” is one of the poll answers! It’s 15%! All you had to do was click!

Hold up goofy, do you really think that 85% of Americans could tell you who Netanyahu is? Like really?

I honestly wonder if 85% of the country could tell me who the president is. It’s probably over, but not by as much as you’d like. Half the country can’t name the three branches of government and you’re telling me that they know who the Israeli prime minister is. Come on dude.

Also, the idea that there exists any sizable voting bloc that was going to vote for Biden until Netanyahu spoke to congress is ludicrous. The leftists who make that kind of threat aren’t a swing group.

And shocker, when you look at the actual poll wording goofy, people are told who Netanyahu is in the question. Come on man. This ain’t that serious of an issue

85% of the people answering a Pew research poll can certainly know who Bibi is. Are you under the impression they’re asking pretzel rollers at Auntie Anne’s or something?

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I don’t necessarily disagree but I definitely don’t think they were demanding we invite fucking Bibi to address fucking congress. I don’t think this helps with many and it will hurt with a lot. Charting a middle path makes the most sense politically, and this ain’t it.

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Yeah, I’m generally give more benefit of doubt than most to Biden and D leaders but this is a super dumb move unless somehow part of a secret deal to end the war or something

That’s the only reason I can come up with for why this could even be happening. Also not entirely sure Schumer won’t attend, listen, and then come right outside and shit all over it to the press.

The only thing that matters at this point is closing out this cycle of violence and with it Bibi’s political career.

Isn’t this the guy eDems went out of their way to help while crushing a progressive challenger?


Lol yep, and this was known - his home and office were raided by the FBI before the primary.


Going out of their way is a mild way to put it. The race turned into Cuellar, the only anti-abortion Democrat left in the House, vs Jessica Cisneros, firmly pro-choice. The repeal of Roe vs Wade happened and Pelosi and the other fossils still supported Cuellar while requesting we vote harder for abortion rights at the same time.

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And then they look at millenials and younger like ‘why you no trust us?’

They’re literally feeding the narrative that both sides are the same when they do shit like this.

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And even if you ignored that (which I’m not saying we should), he sucked on pure policy.

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Well that’s a flip to the R’s i Congress.

For someone who votes straight Dem in every election, I really fucking hate the Democratic party. The Pelosi era edems can’t die off fast enough.


I’m not sure if that’ll do the trick. I think Citizens United and the unlimited money in politics is the main issue.


It’s even deeper than that. A first past the post two party system was always destined to become this.
