LOL Democrats: Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory

Fetterman and a handful of other Ds were absent yea. Warnock voted present lol.

Guess he has presidential ambitions.

Yeah maybe. Pretty much everybody in the Senate does tbf. Extremely weird chickenshit thing to do when you just won a 6 year term and nobody’s going to remember this vote in 6 days.

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If anyone ever wondered why things are the way they are in this country, it’s because this list is a rough representation of how many actual Democrats are in the Senate. The rest are just part of the establishment centrist party. Which don’t get me wrong, is still better than the right wing, but the actual left representation is so small.


I gotta be honest, I’m pleasantly surprised to see Booker, Cardin, Durbin, Duckworth, and Van Hollen on that list.

He should have just voted the other way. It will absolutely be thrown back at him in the next Senate election or if he runs for POTUS, and it especially would have if he voted with the left on this.

This whole thing is just the latest example of Democrats sucking at politics. They should have branded this thing as tough on crime from the start. It increases penalties on a bunch of other stuff, and brings the carjacking penalties in line with the norm. By not branding it as such, they left the door wide open for the right wing media machine to do some OMG CRAZY LEFTISTS WANNA GIVE CARJACKERS LOLLIPOPS stories, and lo and behold, they did.


Yeah but the dems didn’t want to “ be good at politics” here. The vote is a temperature check on DC statehood. And no big donors are in favor of that.

Yeah that makes sense. DC statehood is not going to happen anytime soon. We’re decades away, if ever. I told my buddy who was really excited about a Biden presidency and making some progress that it was, at best, a four-year reprieve from Trumpism and conservativism. There would be virtually no ground gained, maybe an issue here or there.

That’s pretty much our political meta for the foreseeable future. Dem wins = things get worse more slowly, but virtually no progress - and any such progress is rolled back and then some when the GOP wins. Live/adjust accordingly.

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just look at the current debt ceiling dynamics. GOP gave huge tax cuts to billionaires, deficit went ballistic, now we gotta make (unspecified) cuts to get the deficit under control, we can’t even discuss rolling back the trump tax cuts. it’s a one-way ratchet.

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That’s the fucking metaphor right there. Well done.

Why is this in LOL Democrats, you ask?

Almost like he wants them to block all his shit. Hmmm…


every now and then they salvage a social media victory out of the jaws of defeat


if #NEleg anti-trans bill passes:

If? Doesn’t that assume she stops filibustering and gives them a chance to?

Too bad she’s a state Senator in Nebraska, she should have had Pelosi’s job.

Fuck right off with this bullshit. Holy shit what an asshole. I’d fucking sue under the ADA.

I heard they invoked cloture on it so I think it’s likely to eventually pass. I’ll admit I don’t fully know the rules of their legislature so maybe there’s more ways to stop it, idk. They must’ve gotten a D to cross over to vote for it too because they needed 33 and there’s only 32 Rs. I don’t think they’ve passed a single bill because of the non-stop filibuster. It’s incredible how strong their hate is that they insist on pushing this through at all costs instead of doing literally anything else.

progressives are threatening to filibuster until the end of the legislative session.

pelosi also pulled off a filibuster five years ago. you probably don’t want to be pelosi’s grudge either

Cool Pelosi puff piece, but here’s what actually ended up happening:

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Dems deliver (people raised in America back to another country)

You’d think these rich assholes ranting about a labor shortage and wage inflation would shut the hell up about OPEN BORDERS but the racism always wins