LOL Democrats: Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory

I mean, my fiance was here legally on a student visa, wanted to work, and wasn’t allowed to… during a labor shortage… as every conservative was bitching about how nobody wanted to work.

It’s insane how simple some of the fixes are. Like we have a labor shortage, we have tons of students here on student visas paying higher tuition who would love to take a part-time job but aren’t allowed. Let them fucking do it. Then expand legal immigration and hand out more work visas. Watch how fast that labor shortage goes away!

And obviously Dreamers should be citizens and it should have happened years ago. And the only sane policy on undocumented immigrants already here is some form of amnesty.

the filibuster worked in the sense that a shutdown of DACA was left out of appropriations, even though republicans could have pushed through whatever they wanted. they didn’t need any D votes, and threatening to shutdown the government would not have worked. just a testament that it is hard to get anything done in the minority.

Oh, so Democrats got it done when they held a trifecta and Nancy was Speaker a couple years after that filibuster, right?


they pushed through a few other things. no idea how much nancy would have to whip the conference on immigration, but it is not clear to me that it would pass with only dem votes. yeah there are democratic nays on daca, but nancy isn’t one of them. what is your alternative?

My point is before we take puff pieces calling her a goddess for filibustering to fight hard for DACA as gospel, we should see what she’s actually accomplished… Because she is very powerful and probably could get it done with a trifecta if it was a priority. But she hasn’t. Because other stuff is probably way more important to her.

She’s somewhat progressive socially, but her main priority is to preserve the system that protects the wealthy - because she’s one of them.

yes it is a puff piece, but the other thing you posted was righteously frustrated criticism from a person channeling their anger at the wrong party. in that moment, filibuster in the house was just a symbolism, rather than an achievable block until republicans caved. unbelievably it shamed the gop from outright killing dreamers. but i am comparing it favorably to the current NE State Senate filibuster, basically both generations are acting in a similar way, on the same side of history.

Pelosi is acting, she’s just not acting. Like the rest of the establishment Dems.

The Republicans are racists. The establishment Democrats are very well paid professional losers. Both deserve mountains of righteous anger.


Supposedly she’s pretty liberal, so this is extra bizarre. Apparently she’s pro gun and caught so much blowback she jumped parties. Either that or she’s getting a huge huge bag.

It’s always the huge bag


Democrats need to send a message. Go to the mattresses against her. If they don’t redraw the district, she’ll get smoked anyway. But they’re going to redraw it for her, most likely. Whatever district she ends up in, they should spend as much money as it takes to make sure she loses her primary. Dems should literally spend money to label her a radical leftist baby-killer.

Yes, whoever beats her will be a bigger piece of shit politically, but whatever. This is about sending a message. You fuck over the party, no matter how good of a deal the Republicans make to make you feel safe about re-election, we’re going to make sure you go down in flames even if we have to spite ourselves to do it. The next time anyone even considers pulling a stunt like this, then the Dems can just say, “Remember Tricia Cotham? How’d that work out for her?”

She’s probably not even going to bother running again

Yeah this is the kind of thing I punish her donors for. Obviously the entire Democratic Party should actively want to ruin her life, but I’d ruin the people she got money from too.

This kind of thing you can’t tolerate. But lol me I’m imagining the Democratic party was a competently run organization that cared about anything other than the political careers of the people at the top of it. And they don’t actually care about what happens as a result of this.

How are they going to “redraw the district?” That’s only once every 10 years, or have I missed something about North Carolina’s maps?

The previous NC Supreme Court made them redraw fair maps for 2022, but they took a majority on the state supreme court and the new court is rehearing the case a year later. It’s going to let the GOP redraw. We’ll lose US House seats over it, in fact, maybe that’s what Cotham is getting.


LOL the nation was built on violence at every turn!

Pete Buttigieg controls the ENTIRE government! Local ones too!

If you want to be taken seriously, then you should probably make an effort to appear serious, I dunno.

shocking new developments

I mean that’s like 6k total between the two? I don’t doubt they dirty but that’s not really meaningful imo