LOL Democrats: Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory

seems like they are calling for DOT to just issue a statement?

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Did you read the article before posting this? I didn’t see anything blaming Pete, they’re asking him to use the power that he does have to try to creatively help address the problem. Seems like they’re making a reasonable ask, and giving him an opportunity to bolster his creds on racial issues by doing something good.

Seriously, who in the 20th century names their kid “Harlan?”

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Plus, why didn’t he change it when he dropped the e from his last name to dissociate himself from his dumbass brother Dewey?

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On top of the rainbow text required for “This nation was built on peaceful protest”, this is just so chickenshit:

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lol this feckless moron:

Didn’t bother inviting Clarence Thomas because he assumes he’d say no, and doesn’t see any value in making Thomas publicly say no

If they made him publicly say no, they’d weaken the legitimacy of the Supreme Court. They don’t want to do that.

So fucking depressing

“If liberals are so fucking smart, how come they lose so goddamn always?”

How come, indeed.


As others attacked the Republican redistricting as an illegal racial gerrymander, Clyburn said nothing publicly.

looooooool Clyburn doing racism to his own party’s voters in order to keep his job, what an absolute fucking hack

Just being brutally honest here… they shot all the mission focused black leaders of Clyburn’s generation. The ones that are still around are still around because they very much were not a threat to the system. There were a variety of reasons why someone might not be a threat to the system, but several of them were not systemic threats because they have a similar personality to Kyrsten Sinema.


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Moar like Dick Dustbin, amirite?

Feinstein in DC but not voting! LOL DEMOCRATS

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DiFi just straight-up walked off the job, right? I think she just quit and didn’t tell anyone.
