LolFlorida: Fascist Hellhole

Feel like gotta look at combination of cost per sq foot + insurance + property taxes to get a reasonable comparison between areas

I was talking to my parentsā€™ tax guy recently who said his sister is paying $1500/mo in Florida. The house is worth a lot and on a coast but lol.

Is Florida homeowners insurance even considered P&C anymore or is it basically catastrophe insurance at this point? Maybe they could start packaging Florida homeowners coverage with alien invasions, radioactive sea creature attacks, and the like.

for the good education

About how much are you paying for earthquake insurance in Cal? Are you happy with it? I was thinking about adding it but if itā€™s anywhere close to half of the florida guy than Itā€™s going to be tough to pull the trigger on it.

Iā€™m gonna assume that he meant that his annual premium is half the premium of one month of the FL guy, i.e. $350 because thats what mine is. The insurance is fine but will only cover 75%-85% of the cost to rebuild.

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I know it can vary quite a bit at each house but havenā€™t looked at any quotes so Iā€™m open to anything being possible in price.

Wow crazy to me earthquake insurance is that cheap in Cali, guess their plan is just freeroll and then go bankrupt if big one ever came?

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you can also just freeroll the fact that any large enough earthquake to trigger that insurance kicking in means youā€™re fucked anyway

Looks like this yearā€™s coverage is $2,600 via CEA, with a high deductible (10-15% IIRC? Not listed in an obvious place online but thatā€™s what I recall).

As for how I like it, youā€™d have to ask me after a catastrophic earthquake destroys our house :harold: Iā€™m happy with the peace of mind it provides assuming it works as planned if worst comes to worst.

Yeah, I should have thought about it for more than a second. Iā€™m not near any known faultline thatā€™s why itā€™s so inexpensive for me. I think Goofy is in the Bay Area so the risk is much greater.

Yeah weā€™re all close to the San Andreas Fault up here :harold:

Jesus Christ:

Educators are now required to ā€œbothsidesā€ 19th and 20th century race massacres.


Itā€™s a travesty that thereā€™s not a liberal version of that. Thinly veiled propaganda that teaches that your side is right and teaches people to make basic arguments to that end.

(Iā€™m not saying that should be taught in schools just that it should exist on YouTube.)

The wage gap stuff is particularly insidious because depending on how you slice up the data, itā€™s either much, much improved (25-34 year olds make .92 per every dollar a man does), but, when you look closer there are still major discrepancies. Theyā€™re obviously not going to provide an honest look at that kind of data, but since itā€™s not outrightly false, it will slip by

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Iā€™m going to guess that data is correct and itā€™s because people arenā€™t having kids. 1000% serious.

I dont think so, itā€™s been stagnant for like 20 years. you see it tail off in certain fields and after 34 especially because fewer women get promoted into senior/exec roles.

That last part is responsible for most of the gender pay gap as it is expressed statistically. At least in my experience. There are situations where women are getting paid less to do the same work in 2023, but there are a lot of situations where employers are paying people less than other often more junior people in 2023ā€¦ so Iā€™m hesitant to attribute it to gender.

What is for sure impacting the numbers heavily is the fact that women still, on average, do vastly more housework and parenting than men do. To pretend that isnā€™t the main thing driving the gender pay gap seems pretty silly to me. Mom isnā€™t going to be the general manager of a walmart much less a managing partner in biglaw if sheā€™s the first parent they call when something is going on with the kids. Those kinds of jobs have a disproportionate impact on economic statistics and having to do most of the housework and childcare often by taking 6-10 years off in the early-mid stage of your career simply beats the shit out of your lifetime earning potential.

So my solution to the gender pay gap is twofold: First we need to implement a 4 day workweek for the sake of improving everyoneā€™s personal life and general availability for being a human, and second we need to make stay at home husbands as socially acceptable as stay at home wives. As far as Iā€™m concerned the serious stay at home husbands are actually doing something super important for society and should be given quite a bit of respect.

It makes absolutely no sense to have a family with two people with insane life consuming jobs. I have no idea how that works but I know for sure theyā€™re paying other people to parent their kids. Why even have kids at that point? I would honestly prefer they didnā€™t.

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