Middle Eastern Conflagration, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Iran

Seems like example one million of how everything has to be boiled down to picking a side and rooting for it at all costs.

Somehow it’s weird and not ok to think that both droning non-combatants and murdering concert-goers are really bad.

Instead I feel like I have to pick which of the two is MORE BADDER, then convince myself that it’s the other side’s fault for making them drone/behead.

All the while knowing it doesn’t make even the slightest bit of difference which team jersey I’m going to buy, and really I should just ignore it all and yuk it up doing whatever pointless bullshit I’m going to do until I’m dead and immediately forgotten. Awesome.


Looks like they’re going to clear Hamas out of Gaza City block by block, the casualties on both sides could be horrifying.

To be fair to yourself, the people caught in the middle of this BS also really just want to yuk it up doing whatever pointless bullshit they are going to do until they are dead and immediately forgotten.

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I’d strongly suggest reading what I’ve actually posted and taking a minute. Seriously, you might even find out that I say it’s logical to have your point of view. The point made is that these decisions aren’t being made by rational people, and we as humans aren’t rational.

Beheaded babies is going to make it very, very hard for reason to be important.


Saw a couple people link this article on Bluesky, outlining some of the history of Israel’s policy towards Palestinians and how that’s shaped the modern conflict:

you are right that we are not that far removed from genocide being actively celebrated.

In no future war will the military be able to ignore poison gas . It is a higher form of killing.” - Professor Fritz Haber, pioneer of gas warfare, on receiving the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1919. His wife committed suicide during the war.

i can’t think of a worse guy than netanyahu being in charge of making decisions on which and how many targets to hit, and whether to send in ground troops into urban ambushes. but first of all, it is unlikely that they are hitting random targets. the ukraine conflict has shown what is considered a war crime and what isn’t. the distinction is very banal, the command has to consider civilian casualties against military advantages, but that’s how we get to killing of one commander with 20 bystanders as not necessarily a war crime as judged by a war crimes prosecutor (usually army will have their own, and an international body will have independent investigations). secondly, the policy of locking down 2 million people in gaza isn’t a solution in itself but it is worth thinking about israel being the biggest supplier of water and food and energy to gaza (oslo accord obligations, and rest being international aid), since before hamas took power, and once it crosses the border, hamas is controlling those resources to subjugate the population. some of those resources become supplies for their military wing, just what happens in the state of war. let’s fast forward to 95% of hamas fighters being dead, israel will have to go back to literally feeding gaza’s population for the foreseeable future, which isn’t even foreseeable until palestine has a governing authority that’s not hamas.

No food, water, or electricity until the hostages are released is not the same thing as going building by building and slaughtering everyone. It’s not even in the same ballpark, unless “Inside Man” was a film about genocide.

dude starving civilians in response to war crimes is itself a war crime, it doesn’t matter if bibi says they’ll stop doing the war crime if their demands are met, it’s still a war crime.


Serious question, are they blockading the entry of aid into Gaza from, say Egypt or the Sea, or are they just refusing to supply it themselves?

Either way though, there are degrees of culpability here. Just because both are bad doesn’t mean that what Israel is doing is in the same ballpark as what Hamas did, yet. I hope it never gets there.

nothing is getting in. they have bombed the crossing into egypt several times this week. They have explicitly said they are doing this and you don’t believe them?

I don’t have a lot of interest in litigating who is “more” at fault, your whole second paragraph implicitly lumps hamas and civilians together (and, really, also does the same for the israeli government and civilians).

Sorry, I just can’t get on board with blaming Israel for Hamas going house to house and slaughtering everyone.

I’m not asking you to?

Seems to be the tenor of this thread.

Let me put it this way:

  1. I don’t give a shit who is “worse” in this conflict

  2. I don’t like anyone minimizing the impact of actions by chunking everything into a simple binary and pretending there is no difference between civilians and the actual combatants (acts of the government do not justify attacks against civilians)

  3. I’m less interested (in the context of this thread, at least) in litigating everything that has happened up to this point and I’m more interested in looking at what’s about to happen (i.e. genocide)

It’s unfortunate that you’re not interested in the events of the past week, because I can assure you that the Israelis certainly care. Hamas unilaterally made the decision that now would be the time for the final showdown.

The Palestinians have been FO and FO for 75 years, seemingly always choosing the worst choice for their people. It’s almost as if they decided they want to go out now with a bang.

yeah you’re doing it right now

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anyway, to recap:

hamas did a war crime

recognizing that israel is about to do a bigger war crime doesn’t require celebrating hamas attacks or “blaming israel for hamas going house to house” or whatever


did the one million + children inside gaza who are starving and dodging airstrikes “FO” (whatever that means)?

Netanyahu, as a nurturer of Hamas to achieve his aims, is infinitely more responsible for Hamas’s crimes than these children are.

Yet, suggesting starving Netanyahu and his family until X is done would instantly be seen as barabaric. It’s almost like the Palestinians have been successfully dehumanized…