Middle Eastern Conflagration, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Iran


really tired of hearing “river to the sea = genocide”

like some weirdo at princeton saying river to the sea is equivalent to bibi carpet bombing gaza. SAME THING! foh.

anyway, anyone claiming this must also agree that settlements = genocide.

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Is this the context of the penn president getting all this press about the congressional hearing where refused to say if calling for genocide is against their code of conduct? Been seeing headlines everywhere and seems a bizarre story

People seem to think that if the UN declares something it instantly becomes true


Random ass college kids have no idea which river or which sea are being referred to, but they’ve latched onto the slogan nevertheless as protest against Palestinian genocide. Bad faith right wingers claim it’s acktshully these out of control college students cheering in support for Israeli genocide rather than, like, taking the time to explain to the college students the historical context and meaning of the slogan to people and seeing if they can find some common ground around say, let’s have no genocide of either Palestinians or Israelis. They drag some college presidents to a gotcha-filled congressional hearing that the presidents are shockingly inept at navigating so that they can score points and grandstand and pretend that anyone who opposes the Israelis committing genocide is actually worse for supporting Israeli genocide.


they’re shelling southern areas now and refugee camps, oh no who could have seen this coming

Honestly I am pretty sure the bad faith right wingers consider “cease fire now” to be a call for Israeli genocide

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Yeah reading the articles seems like the presidents answered from a strange perspective of themselves deciding that students saying river to sea/etc are actually calling for Jewish genocide but know shouldn’t kick them out so tried to claim that calling for genocide might be OK based on the circumstances of how it was done.

Instead of taking much better route of saying clearly that calling for genocide is unacceptable but it needs to be considered if that is actually what students were doing or even if they did say that did they genuinely understand/etc.

ETA - now seeing this hearing way like 6 hrs so maybe being reported in overly simplified way

local art museum has a deal with a local chef who runs a cafe inside the museum. Chef runs a fundraiser to send aid to women and children in gaza, museum board flips out, cancels the contract with the chef, everyone instantly calls everyone else racist, comment sections in the local news are of course a giant tire fire, good times.

“maybe we should make sure these kids at least have some drinking water while israel bombs them” is now a call for israeli genocide, apparently


WaPo reporting that Israel used American-made white phosphorous on a town in Lebanon (non-paywall link). I recall stories from closer to October 7th saying that they used it in Gaza, but I recall it being “humans rights group says Israel used white phosphorous” without confirmation from media outlets. They’re still wishy washy about a ton of stuff:

“Could be prohibited.” Who’s to say! Especially when:

But seems like a meaningful step that a major U.S. paper is now like “yeah Israel basically did some war crimes”.


So what do folks make of these various missile attacks towards commercial ships from the groups in Yemen? They going to stop once Israel declares some sort of ceasefire because feels like going to eventually lead to a big conflict if keeps going on

Haven’t we been bombing the Houthis for years and giving bombs to Saudi to drop on them?

Yeah I guess it’s a good point that everyone involved has had quite a bit of practice at keeping things to a level that doesn’t end up with Iran being in a direct war

More like why would they stop attacking things if we’re going to keep bombing them? I guess it’s up to US and Saudis not to escalate. It might be that, from the Houthi perspective, some broader regional conflict seems preferable to being the forgotten ally of Iran who is actively bring bombed while the rest of the region is sipping tea in peaceful disregard. The Israel Palestine thing has definitely inflamed political factions in the west and in Iran and made a broader war more possible. Maybe they’ll be able to capitalize by doing stuff like this. I hope not for my own sake but can’t say I really blame them.

Among other errors: the author was off by two orders of magnitude in his calculation.


” There was no reasoning with them,” Mohammed recalls. “They kept saying, ‘You are all Hamas.’ They wrote numbers on our arms. My number was 56.” When he stretches his arms out, the red marker is still visible on his skin.
