Middle Eastern Conflagration, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Iran

Is there good sourcing on this? The Wikipedia page says nothing about it being a motivation. I recall speculation about this closer to Oct 7 but is it still just speculation?

Just refusing to label it a coincidence and it’s the one strategic benefit Hamas has gained since starting this conflict… other than killing and raping Jews

Just seems weird to harp on it, since it is speculation and it’s not like we need to make up more reasons to condemn Hamas, they’re already bottom of the barrel.

Separately, this article has a little more detail:


This is why I called this incident “clarifying”. If this is how this went down, I hope everyone is updating their priors when it comes to estimating how many Palestinian civilians these trigger-happy fucks are gunning down in cold blood (see also: this post).


“Deception tactics” mean they had likely seen their comrades get shot at or killed by people pretending to surrender recently. War is hell and this is the kind of shit that is going to happen despite no one wanting it to. Nobody is winning, hopefully it will stop soon.

the hostages reached for their waistbands

Except the person here also absolved the shooting of hostages. You also had the benefit of reading a conversation after the fact that has been since edited by this site’s moderation, and I no longer care to explain words that are in plain sight for anyone to read (even post-edits).

So, I mean cool. I guess we’re semant(redacted)sing now. I guess [personal attack removed by mod] was just identifying with the position of people in a “life or death situation” (totally the same as serving as a well-compensated doctor) and I was mostly reacting to his broader history of posts here that have largely absolved the IDF of any wrongdoing here whatsoever. I guess I’m mostly reacting to that.

If you came to me in 2023 and said trayvon maybe had it coming or tried to mansplain why maybe zimmerman had no other choice I’d have the same reaction. It’s an utterly absurd take especially at this juncture, and when taken with the whole of his opinions on this topic (some of which I’m probably confusing with takes on (site im not allowed to mention)), then my reaction probably makes far more sense.

Hope that clears up any confusion for you.

[personal attacks removed by mod]

They’re losing WaPo:

The case of al-Shifa: Investigating the assault on Gaza’s largest hospital (should be a gift link? lmk if that doesn’t work)

And NYT (gift link):

In response to questions about the bomb’s use in south Gaza, an Israeli military spokesman said in a statement to The Times that Israel’s priority was destroying Hamas and “questions of this kind will be looked into at a later stage.”

Good article:

Interesting! I’m not sure that I’m 100% in agreement, but it’s worth thinking about.

Israel firmly in the wrong at this point, as far as I’m concerned. They’ve killed nearly 1% of the population of Gaza and there are no signs of stopping any time soon.


Lots of Ezra Klein’s episodes over the last few months have been really interesting, and I thought this one stood out:

The guy is from this group

They’re a group of former defense/intelligence officers, so hardly left-wing, who oppose Israel’s (and especially Netanyahu’s) harsh policy towards Palestine on the grounds that it harms Israel’s security. He mentions a lot of things that have been brought up before like how Israel has taught Palestinians that violence gets them better results than nonviolence, but it was interesting to hear that from an Israeli perspective.


the problem with this analysis is that the assumptions are incorrect. Bibi & Co don’t think security is the number 1 priority and they’re willing to sacrifice it to achieve their actual aims.


I’m not sure if I worded that poorly but I don’t think he makes that assumption. He’s not saying, like, “Bibi betrayed what he told us he’d do”, he’s just saying that for whatever reasons he’s doing it (and he talks at one point about Netanyahu having a conflict of interest in prosecuting the current war, in that he’s very much hoping to get a political victory out of this that saves his own ass and prioritizing that over doing what’s best for Israel & Israelis) the Israeli policy towards Palestine is encouraging violence and making Israel less safe.

right, I’m saying thats what bibi wants. Hamas violence enables him to launch violence and justify (take your pick, ethnic cleansing, more aggressive settlements, forced relocation, carpet bombing residential areas of gaza, etc)

In other news


yeah bibi’s plan is all coming together

This was an interesting read, thanks for posting.

Magic link for podcast transcript, in case anyone’s interested.

Man these strikes against the Houthis are producing some… takes on Twitter that are Uber bad on the left

I assume you mean stuff like this? (or if not, what?)




I find this pretty inoffensive.

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