Middle Eastern Conflagration, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Iran

“Crews from more than 20 countries have been threatened or taken hostage in acts of piracy.”

But were they in grave danger?

Most the takes just seem naive? Like they literally shooting modern Iranian missiles at random ships crewed by who knows who taking stuff to anywhere. Seems hardly surprising those radars/launchers/etc are going to get bombed by someone who has the means to do so hard to see how anyone surprised or upset

Haven’t we been bombing and/or helping the Saudis bomb the Houthis for a couple years now? Is our government trying to act like they started it?

Sure, somewhat. They also acknowledge a worthwhile perspective about what our government will tolerate (ethnic cleansing by allies) and won’t (economic disruption), even if being naive in the process. But most of all I just can’t see anyone spending their attention span being actively mad at takes like this.

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I think the rustling take to me is not the people complaining about US actions but the people trying to put the Rebels up on some sort of moral pedestal, they just another religious fueled hate group making misery. I mean come on what kind of slogan is this lol
The slogan of the Houthi movement (officially called “Ansar Allah”), a Shia Islamist political and military organization in Yemen, reads “God Is the Greatest, Death to America, Death to Israel, A Curse Upon the Jews, Victory to Islam”

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In this conflict we have for years been on the side of *checks notes* Saudi Arabia. It’s certainly naive for leftist Twitter posters to act like Houthis are the good guys, but also naive of anyone opposing them to invoke the morality of these groups at all, as if this is about anything other than geopolitical interests and keeping shipping lanes open.

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I guess I’m confused why people think this some sort of pejorative? Seems main person to gain if this shuts down is Putin by driving up oil prices. (Notably he also seems to be main beneficiary of the Hamas attack in the first place)

Like even if someone supporting a cause I believed in posted up with a sniper rifle and shut down the interstate by shooting at random 18 wheelers can’t see anyone being too upset about police stopping him

Mad isn’t the right word here, it’s closer to rubbernecking at a car accident on the side of the road. Like this shit is fucking dumb as hell:


There’s another pro-hamas account who linked to Nick Fuentes and was like ‘this guy gets it’… (need to find this one)

Also would strongly disagree with what Israel is doing as ‘ethnic cleansing’, but that’s a whole other topic.

Basically, there’s a subset of the left that’s full of people who say shit like “fucking liberals” who constantly blame Israel or America for every wrong in this world while flirting with anti-semitists constantly being super loud and dumb lately. They’re fucking dumb af, and while nowhere close to the biggest problem in this country, they’re still a problem.

Unfortunately hating the Jews is something that the extreme right and extreme left have had in common for a long time.

The other tweet you described, sure, but

You do not, in fact, have to hand it to the U.S. policy of a global war on terror enabling presidents to basically bomb whoever they want whenever they want (I suspect this is not really about the technicality about anti-piracy law).

The term “genocide” is controversial, inflammatory, and has a higher bar to meet (which South Africa thinks they have but I won’t pretend like I know), but when Israel has displaced 80% of the population of Gaza and is openly wondering “what other country can we ship these people off to so we don’t have to worry about them anymore”, that is quite literally ethnic cleansing.

It’s a statement about values; disrupt our goods and money and we’ll end your lives, we think that’s a fair and just tradeoff. I think your analogy misses the mark because Yemen is ostensibly (though obviously not in practice) a sovereign country with its own territorial waters, with the United States playing world police to enforce a treaty it never even signed itself.

Using isolated Twitter accounts to smear the left is something the extreme right and centrists have had in common for a long time.


Ilhan Omar is an “Isolated twittter account?” (Lest we forget the “It’s all about the Benjamins Baby” tweet). Don’t get me wrong, it’s not the entirety of the extreme left, and it’s far more pervasive amongst the extreme right, but antisemitism exists in both flanks.

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I’m not. The legal and historical precedents for fucking pirates shit up goes back to 1801 in American history and like 1820 iirc for explicit legal authority. It’s not like the USA is firing off some first strike here

lol, I mean if your shining example of antisemitism on the “extreme left” (in contrast with the right, where it’s openly “Nazis had good ideas and we should bring them back”) is Ilhan Omar tweeting in 2019 about AIPAC lobbying, I feel like there’s nothing else for me to add here


I mean, do you need it to be elected officials, or can it just be culturally important folks?


But I’ll give you the people on the left at least seem to apologize after getting called out for their blatantly anti-Semitic statements when people on the right just double down.

One other difference is that the “extreme left” in this country really doesn’t hold much, if any political power, and nearly no elected positions, versus the extreme right which is currently the majority of the republic party,s o yeah, not going to have a lot of tweets form like congress folk. (And no, I don’t consider the squad the “extreme left.”)

I think it’s kinda ridiculous to be talking about values when we talking about one group shooting ballistic missiles at civilian ships in the hopes of inciting the more powerful countries into bombing them back because Houthis know it will shore up support at home. Nobody making decisions here on any side is trying to be virtuous so just seems absolutely bizarre that some in US feel this some virtuous cause on the Houthi standpoint. US is protecting their business interest and Houthi their domestic political interests, it’s all just power one way or other.

Like Putin probably wacking off in glee see the squabbling over all this, (incidentally just saw they accidentally shot at one his oil ships bc it’s public register was still UK but otherwise they unmolested)

But Omar was your shining example! You’re actively undercutting your own point here, like Omar was apparently “extreme left” when she was the first person you could think of, but then upon realizing that other prominent politicians in her lane (like AOC, or Pressley, or Bowman, or Bernie f’ing Sanders) don’t fit in with a pattern of supposedly rampant antisemitism across the “extreme left” you had to move the goalposts. That’s a sign that your argument is not good!

It seems like the “extreme left” is just whoever you decide is convenient to include in order for you to bash them. You’re correct they don’t actually wield much power to look at elected politicians, but like, there’s a number of intellectuals and publications who are on the “extreme left” who are significantly more in tune with that political movement, and doing more work on its behalf, than Susan Sarandon. What do they believe? Do you even know, or have you just decided a priori that leftist == bad?

Honestly, I’m not on Twitter or scanning public opinions but all I’ve seen so far in the examples posted in this thread are some on the left being Anti Israel while those on the extreme right are anti Jew. There a difference there and it’s not subtle.


Think the issue upsetting Jewish folks is the sympathy to Houthi group who literal slogan includes “Death to Israel, a curse on the Jews, victory to Islam”. Like their slogan is straight up a call for religious genocide