Middle Eastern Conflagration, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Iran

Cutting through all the bullshit here what’s for absolutely certain is that the pro Israel side of this conversation looks bad and gets worse with every passing day. I told everyone this time was going to be real real bad and possibly be the end game… and unfortunately right now it’s looking like I was right.

What Israel is doing isn’t really genocide was already pretty weak sauce before this round of extremely active bloodshed and now it’s full on mask off time because the Israeli right is looking to deliver a final solution to the Palestinian problem.

This post is not intended to give the slightest bit of ground to whatever apologists for the Palestinian side of things there are. I simply cannot recall a group ironically since the Jews got kicked out of Israel by the Romans that has effectively lobbied so actively for their own ethnic cleansing. Seriously it might be sillier than aggressively rebelling against the Romans over and over again.


This “anti Israel” people keep slipping into “anti Jew” pretty damn frequently

Sure the Houthis are bad people, but is it sympathetic to point out that we’ve been bombing them for years before they started shooting at tankers?

And the whole “Death to America” or “Death to Israel” doesn’t actually mean death to all the people in those countries.

I don’t think there any argument here, it’s why this thread died down so much. Israel itself is off the rails in Gaza. But don’t think the current discussion really even is about Israeli action currently

No, she’s the only one in Congress on the left who has tweeted antisemitic shit. It’s as simple as that. None of the rest of the examples you cite have, nor do I consider any of them “extreme left.” We constantly talk on this forums about how what people consider the “left” here would be centrist in Europe. “Extreme Left” is not the squad, or Sanders, or anyone else you mentioned.

Yeah I mean there been a war going on in Yemen for like a decade, from the little bit I’ve read doesn’t seem Houthis serving their people all that well so if they trying to escalate a war further to shore up political standing I think that is pretty shitty for the people of Yemen.

Well again, I haven’t seen that in the examples people are posting here, and I’m not about to sign up for Twitter to start looking

Shitty and maybe also a predictable outcome of America’s actions there.

I dunno, given the level of military cooperation between Iran/Russia and timing of all this starting with Hamas attack is just so fantastically perfect for Russia I just can’t believe any this current situation would be escalating like it is without the Ukraine war. Granted I freely recognize this a somewhat conspiratorial viewpoint of mine so I don’t expect people would necessarily agree with me

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It may be in some ways opportunistic, but the idea that we can just bomb a country like that and then act all outraged when they find a way to strike back within their limited capacity and harm our interests just seems like Western arrogance.

There’s enough examples in modern history that our country should know that bombing a place like Yemen will galvanize support for the Houthis or Hamas whoever is the more radical political faction there. Yes, their actions also have bad consequences for the innocents at home, but the west is also acting in a way that enables that dynamic.

I’m probably not liberal enough and y’all will tell me why I’m dumb but I kind of don’t really hate bombing some pirates who are fucking shit up for innocent folks.

Sure… if you don’t care about global warming

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OK, but, like, what was the Houthi’s plan to stop the ethnic cleansing?

I’m seeing:

  1. Sink some ships, take the crews of other ships hostage.
  2. ???
  3. Ethnic cleansing averted

If there’s something substantive to step 2 that I’m missing, or if, like, they’re specifically targeting arms shipments to Israel in step 1 or something, please let me know and I’ll rethink my opinion. In the mean time, it seems like I could go piss on the doorstep of the nearest Israeli consulate and declare that I’m doing it for the good of the Palestinian people, but I don’t really see how that’s actually going to help them.

That x-axis looks like that sequence with the rock from the LC thread.

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The houthis aren’t a country, they’re a radical terrorist group that has reinstated slavery and is engaged in piracy.

It’s just a little light genocide of Jews

They’re a political faction and tribal group in Yemen. I’m not arguing they’re good people, but we’ve been dropping bombs on them in their country as part of a proxy war with a different country for years.

As bad as they are, the US and the Saudis have been committing acts of terror against them, not the reverse. To now label them terrorists and say further bombing is justified is just double standards and whataboutism.

Yeah and why did the Houthi get bombed?

Hint: it wasn’t because they were minding their own business

Unfortunate cropping here, the comment under the image is “we need to rise up against children with leukemia”


Lol, Jesus Christ.