Middle Eastern Conflagration, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Iran

Also worth noting that quote was not Voltaire, it was neo-nazi and convicted pedophile Kevin Storm.

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Are these people posting people I should have heard of or care what they think? Or just random nobody getting talked about for having a spicy take?

She’s the head of a US based Palestinian advocacy group.

Pure anti Zionism here no antisemitism

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Israel maybe killed a Palestinian-American kid in the West Bank

Could also go under the poor media outlet choices thread for the failure to highlight that the West Bank isn’t even the same place where Hamas struck from and holds hostages.

What’s particularly interesting about this is how much the Ivy League-obsessed media elites absolutely do not care about any higher ed stories that don’t fit in with the narratives they already want to tell. Columbia student protesters being assaulted should be a big story! Buried near the end is a tidbit about the university threatening these students (the ones who got assaulted) with suspension for having the “unsanctioned” protest at all!


Israel mirroring Nazi Germany more and more has to be one of the greatest tragedies of modern history.

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yeah, this is one of those things that isn’t true and really downplays what germany did in ww2. You really shouldn’t say things like that.

Just actually read what Israel is doing on the West Bank. Obviously Germany eventually ended up committing atrocities on a scale that Israel isn’t doing (yet). I’m not saying they’re equally bad. But what Israel is doing is imo a horrible reversal of what the jews themselves experienced during the earlier phases of nazi germany.

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No, just no. What you said is edgelord bs that is a thing antisemitic people say

At a certain point the Israelis are going to do something so bad it used to be only what anti-semites used to say about them.

Whatever. It’s very possible to criticize Israel without slipping into antisemitic and clearly wrong tropes of they’re on a path like Nazi Germany.

Saying that is ignorant and racist. It deserves to be called out as inappropriate

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Not sure it’s inherently racist or antisemitism to compare any politicians or country actions to various aspect of Nazi germany. Like for example people talking about Trump rhetoric about immigrants poisoning blood of country as being similar to Nazi statements but that does not mean they are saying he literally put immigrants in gas chambers.

It’s racist when you use it to describe the state created by Jews fleeing nazi germany who aren’t anything like nazis

So if instead of Trump it was someone running for office in Israel and said immigrants were poisoning the blood of Israel it would be racist for people to make the same observations they are of Trump?

ETA- also this discussion probably not super important to continue, I obviously see your point

Just like when a Palestinian says “from the river to the sea,” they are clearly genocidal anti-Semitic fanatics but when the PM of Israel says it, it’s totally fine.

From the river to the sea is a great example of how the Palestinians never help anybody trying to help them at all. Truly if anyone can find me a single good decision made by Palestinian leadership since 1948 they surely haven’t shown it to me yet.

That being said the vast majority of the Palestinian population wasn’t even born yet when the last really major decision was offered to their leadership, and were in diapers the last time the government of Israel was even moderate. They’ve basically just spent their entire lives getting punished for the choices of their parents/grandparents generations.

At this point I really don’t see a non tragic ending for this. The Israeli’s are responsible for a considerable portion of this, but the Palestinians have pretty much been dead weight every time anyone has tried to improve the situation.

Obviously if anyone sane could go back in time and change a decision they would opt to encourage global Jewish refugees to settle in upstate New York instead of Palestine. The odds of anything good happening were low at the start and have worsened from there.

We’ve always had a very uncomfortable relationship with Israel in my family. My paternal grandfather was an extremely anti-zionist reformed Jewish guy who resented having any relation to the Israeli’s at all. My dad was quite a bit more pro Israel than his father was, but he had very mixed feelings about it despite having lived in Israel for a couple of years.

I started out more pro Israel than my dad was but that has slowly soured over time to the present where it’s fully curdled. Grandpa was right back when there were still other ways it could go. This whole thing has been a fucking tragedy. An echo of the holocaust carried out by the descendents of the victims of the holocaust because of choices made decades ago out of political expediency and antisemitism. I really need to stop following all of this for my mental health.

I don’t know how you can read that passage goofy posted and conclude that comparing the actions of Israeli settlers and Netanyahu’s Israel to the early stages of Nazi Germany is exaggerated and anti-Semitic.

It’s a violent harassment and torture campaign to try to get the ethnic minority to leave the area that was actually carved out to be theirs. All good people should oppose it, and not try to distract from calling attention to it.

Like what seems to be a normal day in the West Bank right now does bear similarities to Kristallnacht. Less death, perhaps, and more imprisonment in the own home instead of being hauled off to camps, but they’re harassing the Palestinians violently, threatening businesses and forcing some closed, vandalizing the area, etc.