Middle Eastern Conflagration, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Iran

Yeah calling genocide genocide because it’s being carried out by Jews isn’t antisemitism, and calling it antisemitism is a very obvious and cynical tactic being carried out by people who are perfectly happy to ally themselves with people who would gas them given the chance. It’s a dishonest shitty argument and it’s fucking terrible for global Jewry in the same way that really public false rape accusations are bad for rape victims. It weakens the meaning of the term antisemitism to the point where it loses any meaning or substance.

I hate it when people in power (who happen to be Jewish) claim that legitimate criticism of their actions in power is antisemitic. Every person who does it loses enormous amounts of respect from me. Antisemitism is when someone blames me for Israel because I’m half Jewish lol.

The bet that Israel’s founders made was that Palestinians did not have a real national identity and would fuck off with some light terrorism and harassment. The exact opposite has proven true, Palestinians would rather be genocided than go quietly into the night. So that is what is going to happen.

Are you familiar with American policy towards immigration by Jewish people in the early 20th century?

Yes. That’s where the antisemitism and political expediency come in. My dad’s family spent ~1840-present mostly as Jews in Kentucky. It colors every story for every generation probably including mine. I already regret doing 23 and me lol.

This is a profoundly wrong version of history. The founders of Israel expected immediate war, and got it, with all of their Arab neighbors WHO ACTUALLY ATTEMPTED A GENOCIDE at that time. Like ffs organized Arab militias coordinated a specific campaign to isolate jewish enclaves before the war even started.

This shit started well before 1948. War was inevitable the moment the British left, which the Jewish settlers did everything in their power to make happen:

Jewish settlers were so terrified of their Arab neighbors that they did everything they could to make peacekeeping forces leave :thinking:

LOL…they drove the British out with their fearlessness, and then they defeated multiple Arab armies who banded together to try to kill every last Jew.

The Gazans just ended up being the ones who lost the game of musical chairs, but some (i.e. antisemites and hypocrites) blame the Israelis because they grabbed the last chair.

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Agreed they drove the British out with their fearlessness but how does that negate my point? They were fanatical enough to conduct a terrorist bombing on the motherfucking British but were planning on singing Kumbaya with the Palestinians once the British left?

I don’t understand your point. You seem to be saying that despite driving the British out of the Middle East and preparing for what they knew would be a war for extinction vs. survival, they should have also predicted and planned for how to handle the local Arabs who might not want to play nice with them if they (the Jews) somehow survive the War for Independence?

You can choose to take issue with how the IDF is currently dealing with the Gazans. But trying to unwind this back 80+ years in order to claim that Zionism = Ethnic Cleansing puts you in a position that makes it difficult to take you seriously.

You are the one who is not following the plot. I took issue with CN portraying the Zionists as innocents who were attacked in the 1948 war and thus blameless for all that followed. The reality is that who fired the first shot was merely PR spin. The Zionists had been preparing for the war for decades. First step for the Zionists was to kick the British out. Second step was to have their way with the Palestinians. They knew that the kings of the surrounding Arab states would face political pressure to stop them so the third step was to kick the asses of all their neighbors as well.

And they did it, bravo. It was truly impressive. The weak became the powerful. The oppressed became the oppressor. Now, have you the land. You just killed 1% of the Gazan population. You have 25% of the Gazan population on the brink of starving to death. And you also want the moral high ground? No, you don’t get that too.

I didn’t portray anyone as innocents. I corrected your factually completely wrong comment about how the founding Israelis as just hoping Palestinians left.

That is wrong. There’s no room for debate. Trying to shift the topic here isn’t valid either

Also, the Palestinians most likely would have gladly gone to another Arab country like Jordan or Egypt, but that didn’t happen for a variety of reasons

Well, they did leave. It’s called the first Nakba. The miscalculation of the Zionists who weren’t straight up evil is that it would be the end of the matter. That they were fucking over one generation to get their state while they had the chance, they had the might to make right and that would be it. They didn’t anticipate that the Palestinians’ children, grandchildren and great grandchildren would refuse to let it go.

That was the miscalculation I was referencing. Ben Gurion thought he was using the right wing Zionist terrorists he allied with as a means to his more moderate goals and the truth is that he miscalculated badly. The right wing terrorists Zionists were using him, they have won decisively and their dreams of Palestinian genocide are coming true.

And the so called moderate Zionists are left blabbering that it’s offensive to call Nazism Nazism because it is being perpetrated by a Jewish state.

Buddy I’m not sure how to tell you this but the Arabs tried the same shit, lost, left and came back with an army and lost again.

None of which is relevant to the idea that the founders of Israel just hoped the Palestinians would leave

Buddy, I don’t dispute that the Arabs violently disagreed with what the Zionists were doing to the Palestinians and were ready to go to war for it. But if the Zionists didn’t think they could kick the Arabs ass and/or wanted peace themselves, they wouldn’t have terrorized the British to leave. They were ready to be the ones who knock and that is exactly what they did and continue to do. Anytime you see a report of an Israeli death in the news, you can rest assured that you’ll soon see a report that 10 Palestinian civilians have died. The Israelis suffered their own 9/11, the Palestinians then suffered ten 9/11s. Predictable as the sun coming up the next morning.

This is my statement that you nitted per your nitty self.

Two things:

  1. Ben Gurion’s work started in 1919, things escalated quite a bit between then and 1948.

  2. you are right, by the time Israel was founded it was way beyond some light terrorism and harassment. There were many outright massacres. It just feels light compared to what they are doing today. Thanks for the correction. And to be fair, also light compared to what Hamas did on 10/7.

Israeli journalist says the IDF believes Health Ministry death tolls are accurate and that they use them internally because they have NFI how many people they’re killing


They’re THIS CLOSE to figuring it out


Thanks for sharing this.

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