Middle Eastern Conflagration, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Iran

I think from time to time we forget that the reason it bends towards justice is because there are a bunch of people fighting against it bending towards chaos. The last 10 years or so we’ve gotten complacent and let shit slide and now here we are. Despots, tyrants, and fascists think it’s ok for them to do their thing and we’re struggling to prove them wrong.

I’d draw the line pre-war on terror / -Iraq war / -Bush jingoism

Oh, Israel says some insane thing, everyone acts like it’s 100% true, and then a month later we find out it was made up. That’s absolutely never once happened before (it literally happens every time)


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“Chaotic incident” AKA war crime.


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…to civilians from arriving by land.

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It’s really, really bad. I don’t relay the many horrors I see.

I believe in the idea of Israel, Jewish people will never be safe without their own country. Israel has lost its way though.

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US airdropping aid to Gaza seems so transparently a bad look to Israel, Biden must be just trying to shame Netanyahu? I’m sure the volume of aid that can be airdropped is way less than what still getting through by land so gotta just be a play to embarrass him?

I think you’re underestimating how big of an air drop the US military can do. We can probably fully supply them from the air. It definitely signals a hopefully major shift in our position of supporting Israel no matter what.

We really need to entirely shake up our Middle East policy. It’s been an unmitigated disaster since before 9/11, 9/11 was just the consequences of our terrible short term oriented decision making around the middle east in the 40’s-90’s happening… and everything that has happened since has been even worse.

Sometimes a thing is just over and entirely played out. It doesn’t even make sense to have a war over oil anymore as the US. Semiconductors definitely, oil no.

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Yeah the suffering of their population is perfectly fine with them, and was in fact expected and counted on, don’t see a way around this



Yes the behavior of these terrorists is totally a justification for murdering tens of thousands of women and children in response. Thanks for that very useful information CNN. I’m sure it doesn’t play into the hands of the Israeli government or Hamas. The whole reason they probably sexually assaulted those hostages was to keep this thing going a little further so they could farm the chaos for funding from every enemy Israel has. Love it.

Anybody want to raise their hands and say they think there will be no allegations of sexual violence going the other way? No? That this is a news story a day or two after the Israeli’s pressed the full send button on humanitarian aid distribution point actually very badly irritates me.

This is intellectually dishonest

Unless Biden delivers peace to the whole Middle East, don’t vote for him!


This is fucking moronic

Hey look, more morons


God she needs to have a security detail so badly. I know that it’s prohibitively expensive for her to pay for it herself on her congressional salary, but man that guy was right up in her face.

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Accident or no?


Probably an accident, unless he was freelancing that move without discussing it with his aides - they wouldn’t come over and stop him if it was planned. But I’ve been wondering if Israel actually agreed to the pier idea before the Biden Administration announced it. I thought it might be a, “Well, they’ll never agree to it, but once we announce we’re doing it, they can’t stop us,” type thing. What’s Israel going to do, shoot at American ships on a humanitarian aid mission?

“Zone of Interest”, which takes place at Auschwitz in 1943, won the Oscar for best foreign film last night. In accepting it, director Jonathan Glazer said, “Right now, we stand here as men who refute their Jewishness and the Holocaust being hijacked by an occupation which has led to conflict for so many innocent people.”

A brave and empathetic statement. Let’s let Twitter take it away:



(^ former head of the ADL)

Commas (or lack thereof) are important! Just tell the panda who eats, shoots and leaves.