Middle Eastern Conflagration, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Iran



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The cut off part:

They are not faceless…they are not nameless. The Israeli government needs to stop this indiscriminate killing. It needs to stop restricting humanitarian aid, stop killing civilians and aid workers, and stop using food as a weapon. No more innocent lives lost. Peace starts with our shared humanity. It needs to start now.


I don’t really know what to say here, like we all know what this is and it’s been fairly clear since the start that it was going to go this way - Israeli leaders were practically saying it out loud.

Anyone who puts themselves on the ground there to do charity work has a lot of guts, because they’re going to be killed just as indiscriminately as anyone else if they’re anywhere near a “target.” It’s also fairly clear that the Western world, led by the US, doesn’t have the guts to actually put enough pressure on Israel to stop this bullshit. I guess perhaps the best way to put it is that the US doesn’t have the guts or moral decency to stand up to Israel to apply however much pressure it takes to make this stop, and the rest of the western world doesn’t want to stand up to the US on it, so on we go.

Has been and continues to be hard to watch for anyone who’s inner human decency hasn’t been soul crushed yet.


Long article with deep reporting on how the IDF uses AI to select bombing targets:

The whole thing is full of shocking revelations:

That’s just the summary, it expands on all parts of this.

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Obviously this kind of a side tangent less important than the overall topic here but just stunning to me in last few years how willing humans suddenly are to be like o sweet we got some new computer program, let’s just let it rip because we now calling everything AI.

Like we have had computer programs that can do stuff for decades, just because AI is a cool term doesn’t mean they suddenly have become infallible

Jesus I don’t think I really want to know that the AI overlords are droning people now. Like of course they are but I guess I’m more comfortable with 20 year old joystick psychos pushing the button for some reason.

Chris Hayes’ podcast this week was good:

This probably technically its own thread but feels a pretty :harold: situation if Iran actually directly launches a shit ton of missiles and shaheed drones at Israel, even if they getting shot down who knows what stuff falls onto and how things escalate from there.

So yeah that isn’t about AI that’s about plausible deniability for the higher ups. If the AI comes up with the target lists they can credibly say they didn’t commit any war crimes personally.

Yeah that seems like a relatively high risk of nuclear war if that happens.

Maybe I’m niave but seeing the Ukr-Russia war drag on long as has with no nukes has kinda reaffirmed belief that everyone really wants to keep that shit locked down.

While obviously risk of things spiraling I still think most likely outcome is some back and forth from both sides specifically designed to try to not escalate too far like when Iran shot missiles at US base that was obviously going to have plenty of time to shelter

I agree with the first part, but I’m concerned Bibi may actually be crazier than Putin. I thought this would play out with the US back channeling and offering up an empty base for Iran to hit, but I don’t see Iran and Israel making a deal like that. Hopefully, rational minds prevail.

yeah bibi has a much higher chance of getting booted out of power

I’m confused as to why flattening a consulate is not a bigger news story.

Seems like it’s been pretty big news? Was front page of everything.

I guess personally to me a targeted strike on military leaders is way less immoral than the stuff going on in Gaza and a lot of people probably feel similarly so don’t think many people been protesting in streets about it compared to Gaza situation.

I meant internationally. At the U.N.

I completely missed that this happened. (not to contradict Surf about it being front page news, as I don’t read the front pages of news sites, I feel like the various places on social media I keep up with news probably has like 95% coverage of important stuff and I guess this is in the 5% that fell through) Seems bad!

Iran launched an attack on Israel using drones. :harold:

Bibi must be loving this, and I wonder if this is the exact sort of thing he was hoping to instigate with the embassy attack. Anyone watching the US after 9/11 would have to be super jealous of the shit you can get away with as a Wartime President Prime Minister™. Much more credible to stay in power fighting a real war against Iran versus a fake one against a mostly defenseless civilian population.

Man calling it a fake one after Hamas fired off a pogrom that killed 1k people and took dozens more hostages is not a good characterization