Middle Eastern Conflagration, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Iran

Wait that’s hamas. Hamas stated goal is genocide and they just murdered a bunch of kids

So how many kids does Israel get to murder in return? 10x? 100x?

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AFAIK the only group in real positions of power here with an explicit genocidal goal is Hamas. Maybe if Hamas gave a flying shit about their children they wouldn’t throw a pogrom and then hide behind them things would be better.

I mean, that’s an Israeli guy who dedicated himself to bringing hostages home you’re LOLing at, but okay. Isn’t it pretty LOL to assume Israel is negotiating in good faith here? (as that is what started this discussion)

Just fyi, shooting kids because Hamas is hiding behind them is still a war crime, even if you pinky swear that Hamas made you by committing the war crime of hiding behind them in the first place.

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I can’t imagine sitting here in April 2024 and trying to argue this isn’t a genocide in the face of the full body of evidence. Like Hamas having genocidal goals and committing a terror attack should not give Israel carte blanche to carry out a genocide on the Palestinians, just the same as Israel doing that doesn’t make it ok for Hamas to carry out terror attacks or promote genocide.

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It’s difficult to take you seriously when you clearly prioritize Palestinian life over Israeli life.

I don’t, but your projection is pretty telling here. It’s not difficult to tell how you could so easily arrive at the conclusion that others must value Palestinian and Israeli lives differently just like you do.


If Israel is committing a genocide in Gaza then Hamas is trying and just failing to execute it.

Palestinians have been offered real peace terms multiple times throughout history. Israel has made very real peace with Arab nations and are even allies now with Jordan and Egypt. Israel has proven they are a reliable peace partner and have offered real ass peace conditions.

The barrier to peace here long term is Hamas, and before that, the PA. Once the governments representing Palestinians care more about their children than murdering Jews, there will be real peace… and not a moment before

I guess it’s simple to determine good vs. evil by doing a body count, without having to get involved with all of the messy human factors like sadness, revenge, terror for terror’s sake, negotiation, prior history, broken agreements, etc.

Sure, call it projection…it’s not like you’ve already posted thousands of words on the subject.

Imagine reading a post, in April 2024, that wasn’t written by a child, that purports to document the obstacles to peace without the word “settlements” appearing once

Are you on board with the Iraq war at this point? Like, we had a terrorism done to us. Maybe we just didn’t kill enough civilians?

And the fact that Israel has absolute control over Gaza’s food, water, and electricity supply, and doesn’t allow the free movement of its residents.

and? Hamas bad, therefore … what? “we can bulldoze civilian homes”? Finish this thought plz.

The CURRENT bibi-led coalition has never made any real peace offer. The fact that israel made “very real peace” with nations it wasn’t trying to occupy/conquer etc is I guess sort of interesting? They aren’t actively trying to go to war with every nation on earth! Gotta hand it to em!

ah yes, we’re back to “Hamas is bad, therefore we can justifiably take out a bunch of kids and other civilians” bait and switch.

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like, read what you wrote again, this is absolutely monstrous shit, ikes.

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[quote=“commonWealth, post:1015, topic:684, full:true”]
Like Hamas having genocidal goals and committing a terror attack should not give Israel carte blanche to carry out a genocide on the Palestinians.[/quote]

It they had carte blanche, they would’ve flattened all of Gaza months ago, as would nearly any other powerful neighbor would have done. Or are you suggesting that the IDF is trying really, really hard to actually genocide the Palestinians.

The Iraq War? Time to upgrade the software.

they are trying really, really hard to actually genocide the palestinians. We have explicit statements from IDF higherups, we know Bibi. You have to have your head up your ass to deny it.

The ability to drop bombs isn’t the constraining factor, the ability to keep the rest of the world from turning on them is. The effort they are expending is basically marketing.

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