Middle Eastern Conflagration, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Iran

cc: Poor Media Outlets Thread


So you’re saying it’s the super stealth genocide to surpass all of the past genocides? People have been accusing Israel of genocide for 40+ years, yet the Palestinian population continues growing.

The Jews in 20th Century Europe should’ve been so lucky. The Native Americans should’ve been so lucky. The Armenians should’ve been so lucky. The Romani should’ve been so lucky. None of these groups committed atrocities on the scale of Oct. 7th.

If only there was an abutting Arab neighbor who could easily help them! Egypt loves the fact that the IDF is doing their dirty work and taking heat from the world for it.

Funny how no one here ever talks about Egypt’s role in all of this, and how the other Arab countries would be happy enough for the Palestinians to simply go “Poof.” I guess the MSM knows the world doesn’t care about Arabs killing Arabs.

Egypt isn’t actively bombing them! And their inaction is not a license for Israel to murder the Palestinians.

You’re not making a lick of sense, bro, at least not unless you don’t think of the Palestinians as people.

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IIRC, Hitler initially offered to deport the Jews. And the fact that no other country was lining up to accept them just further confirmed his beliefs about them. :thinking:

I don’t disagree with this, but that’s not an excuse to carry out a genocide. There are a lot of outcomes in between genocide against Israel and genocide against Gaza. It is not ok for either side to pursue a genocide.

Nobody here as far as I’ve seen has said nice things about Hamas.

Gotta say I feel a little nihilistic about whole thing, is there any optimistic page of human history where we find any similarly longstanding conflicts resolved in a non super shitty way?

I could be missing more obvious examples, but here’s a recent one maybe?

Goofy dude settlements have been a part of every major peace proposal, you have no idea what you’re talking about.


Israel and Egypt

Israel and Jordan

Seems hard to call those great overall resolutions given how bad things remain in the region and they required wars too.

This thing probably came close to resolving well under Rabin/Arafat. Rabin’s assasination might have been the end of that. It’s never completely hopeless.

AFAIK the only group in real positions of power here with an explicit genocidal goal is Hamas. Maybe if Hamas gave a flying shit about their children they wouldn’t throw a pogrom and then hide behind them things would be better.

Explicit doing a lot of heavy lifting. The only group with a genocidal goal and the means to accomplish it are the Likud, though like their nuclear capacity they play coy about it


I really need you to elaborate on this

Seems like there’s a pretty big difference between explicit genocidal rhetoric of Hamas and Likud. Hamas is a lot fucking worse

Well yeah they both suck. I feel comfortable holding the western aligned democracy to a higher standard

Also, the entity with actual power. Not to mention that the rhetoric of a deliberately oppressed people should always be given more leeway than that of their oppressors.

Hamas has actual power though. It’s a freaking fascist dictatorship. They just don’t have the power to overwhelm Israeli defenses, and thank god because their goal is to wipe every Jew out of Israel.

Infantilizing hamas and the Palestinians isn’t helpful to anything. They are responsible for their actions too. Hamas are the oppressors too, they are not the oppressed.

To that end, they’ve “accomplished” less in a decade than 20 guys did in one September morning? Sure, they’re bad dudes, but that’s not real power. The IDF is making a mockery of their genocide claims.

For 20 years, they’ve managed to prevent any peace with Israel despite massive costs to the people they rule. They’ve also inhibited peace between Israel and others, which is why they’re funded by Iran and etc.

You can’t “oh what a smol bean” Hamas. They’re pieces of shit responsible for their own actions, and peace will never be achieved until they change or are forced out