Middle Eastern Conflagration, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Iran

Oh, right, if they’re Evil, then others have every right to force them out, no matter the cost to innocents living there. Where have I heard that before?


If you had a better argument, you wouldn’t have to strawman one for me.

Infantilizing Hamas is troublesome. They have free will, and they specifically chose to go on a wild murder spree and then hide behind their civilian population, knowing they would be the ones that paid. They are contemptible pieces of shit

No argument there!

It’s the ensuing genocide that’s the problem.

… and this is why it’s okay for Israel to commit genocide against the Palestinians? Or were you going to go with, “the Israelis will be greeted as liberators!”



I can remember when you had a prolonged freak-out about wanting to move to some part of the country where Border Control couldn’t potentially mess with your now wife. You sounded terrified and paranoid.

Yet, when Israeli civilians are slaughtered and kidnapped by their literal neighbors, you think they should turn the other cheek.

What percentage of the people being killed now by the IDF are guilty of slaughtering and kidnapping?

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and as we all know, the only two options are “turn the other cheek” and “level all civilian residential areas, block all humanitarian aid, bomb schools and hospitals.”


That’s not even close to my position. My position is: don’t do genocide, minimize civilian suffering while getting rid of/incapacitating Hamas. You’re strawmanning to defend genocide.

Yeah saying that people criticizing Israel actions in Gaza is inherently equivalent to supporting Hamas or saying Hamas should get a free pass is kind of ridiculous.

Personally I don’t have much issue with Israel droning Hamas/Iranian commanders (even violating other countries sovereignty) compared to how they currently approaching Gaza. Hell if they want to sneak some agents into Qatar and off all the Hamas VIPs that still seems better than what they doing.

Apparently, those really are the only two choices, since no one who alleges to care about the Palestinians has any interest in coming up with a solution for Israel to maintain their security.

I like it better when people add the music to “Why can’t we all just get along?”

I like it better when people don’t support genocide.

Do you really think the current approach Israel taking in Gaza is the optimal line to maintain security? Seems like it primarily the optimal line to maintain power for a politician that is on the rocks?

I have no clue what the actual tactical plan should be, especially since Hamas is hiding within the civilian population. But since they’re too cowardly to stop using women and children as human shields, I would probably defer to what any other nation’s armed forces would do in a similar situation.

Commit war crimes?


Your response to justifying the committing of war crimes, because the terrorist organization you’re fighting did war crimes first, is “other countries would do this too” and “yawn”? What an advocate for the state of Israel.

I don’t believe I’ve read your thoughts about how this situation could end peacefully, so that both sides feel secure moving forward.

You clearly just prefer to call any Jew who supports Israel’s right to defend itself a “genocide” lover.

Just intellectual laziness…and that’s the most generous assumption.