Middle Eastern Conflagration, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Iran

jesus christ man come on how fucking dumb do you think we are

Dumb or ignorant?

“Israel gets to do war crimes if random people on the internet can’t come up with a better idea” is another one of the enduring takes from this catastrophe we’ll be stuck with forever (also indiscriminate blasting of civilians is actively undermining their security so the premise of this already-dumb take is flawed to begin with)

Have they tried giving Palestinians equal rights in their political system?


I don’t think that defending genocide in good faith makes it any better, nor do I think that we should give people room to comfortably espouse their pro-genocide views here.

There is a shit-ton of room for opinions on this complex topic that fall short of defending a genocide, and I don’t think anyone here has argued anything pro-Hamas or anti-Israel existing, and if they did I’m sure they’d be met with a ton of harsh pushback. I don’t think the opposite point of view (genocide against Palestinians is defensible) should find comfort, either.

Again, have you actually read the shit coming out of these people? Because the hard left position on this defines Israelis as white supremacist colonizers and argues that you shouldn’t criticize the violent response from the oppressed to those actions.

The Israelis have offered very real two state solutions and have made peace with other major Arab countries and followed through with that peace. Palestinians declined that, because their leadership has never cared about a long term peace more than the destruction of Israel.

I’m primarily talking about this forum and even in the larger world I think a lot of this is social media fault. Like who the fuck cares if some small percent of college kids protesting say some super terrible stuff? IMHO it’s completely not noteworthy from a national news standpoint but social media has tricked us into thinking it’s important what any random person thinks about things


let’s just allow this for a second, what’s your theory on why “their leadership” in particular are unique in this regard.

(of course, we’re ignoring for the moment the fact that some unelected hamas government rejected whatever offer is never going to get you to a justification for the war crimes)

Hamas was elected pvn. Once at least.

Other groups with just as much beef with Israel have made peace. Iran and other outside players do not want stability and want to strain the alliance of Israel with powers that oppose their influence.

It’s also not being used as justification for a war crime. Again, if yall had a better argument you wouldn’t continuously end up in that fake shit.

non-paywall link

This post is disgusting and deranged. Bush, OUR PRESIDENT, forced a dumb election that allowed Hamas to come to power with only 41% of the vote:

And pretty sure back in those days you were a Bush voter making you personally more responsible for Hamas’s rise than 59% of the Gazan population.

Wait, so you wrote all that, just to say that I correctly described what happened?

We can all see the sickening sleight of hand you are pulling here to justify your position. You’re trying to argue that Palestinians brought this on themselves by electing Hamas. It’s transparent BS. There was one fucked up election forced on them by a foreign power that installed Hamas nearly two decades ago with a plurality of the vote and then Hamas killed everyone that opposed them.

“Americans” did this, not “Palestinians.”

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I corrected someone who said something wrong. The rest is your imagination.

I honestly do not know what kind of popular support Hamas has in the west bank. It doesn’t really matter to me either.

If you’re going to bullshit wrt military history to save face, please exit this thread.

What military history am I even bullshitting about? There’s no military history even in that post.

The current “government” was formed without an election. The last election was 2006.