Middle Eastern Conflagration, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Iran

maybe you should go read what I actually wrote rather than just spouting off about some imaginary conversation you had with me in your head

ikes electoral strategy:

  1. identify a group of potential voters that would really help biden’s chances
  2. tell them to shut up

also note the nonstop false dichotomies ikes uses

“there is some extreme whacko who wants to end diplomatic relations with israel, therefore the only options are to continue supplying weapons and backing bibi or total capitulation to that one guy”

bibi has said publicy since the “israeli” deal was made public that he’s not interested, not sure how this baloney still has legs

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This is lazy and not even close to accurate characterization

it’s exactly what you’re doing

I point out that stopping the genocide is popular, you jump immediately to some bullshit about completely cutting off relations with israel. it’s 100% bait and switch bullshit. there are many much less extreme things that could be done that would help stop the genocide that do not involve completely cutting off all contact with israel, and the biden administration isn’t taking even the smallest of those steps. You however are insisting that the ONLY thing we can consider in this discussion is “to cut off Israel economically and politically” which is extremely “lazy” not to mention disingenuous (in other words, par for the course with you)

pvn - the people who are threatening to withhold their vote to Biden literally want this. It’s called BDS (boycott, divest and sanctions) for a reason.

I’m sorry dude the people who are withholding their vote for Biden talk about how it ‘would take one phone call’. It is not widely supported to B/D/S. It’s not widely supported to stop arms shipments. It’s not widely supported to do much of anything negative towards Israel.

But is PVN or more than maybe 1 or 2 posters here or more than 1-2 congress people actually calling for that? It’s just not a super relevant conversation.

We can be sympathetic to the motives of the majority of mostly young people calling for that on the basis that they are probably well intentioned genuinely wanting less people to suffer without necessarily agreeing with everything they propose. Would be much more productive discussing how you could engage with someone spouting what you think is crazy instead of just making fun of them. They aren’t Trumpers, they genuinely want the world to be a better place but may be misguided on some things

The discussion here is the group of people who are, or at least threatening to, withhold their vote for Biden over Israel. Basically the entire group is BDS types.

That’s what I’m saying they aren’t Trumpers, they don’t want the world to be worse and aren’t immune from reason. So it’s actually worth trying to understand where they coming from like PVN suggesting instead of just finding tweets to make fun of or whatever

Point of order here, pretty much everyone thinks that they are working to make the world better. Even among literal serial killers, they think they’re doing good because of whatever bullshit reason. MTG does not see herself as a force of evil doing harm to the world, she is the good guy in her view.

Therefore, thinking that they are worth convincing because they think they are doing good isn’t helpful. Everyone thinks that. The question is if they will listen to reason.

Helping elect Donald Trump because you care about Palestine makes no fucking sense. Maybe you could reason with some of them. It’s not like I have real data on these people and the loud online people clearly aren’t representative, but literally anyone who cares about Palestine as a primary issue who doesn’t vote for Biden and democrats more generally is a fucking moron.

well we tried, but you’re pretty impervious to reason

you keep helping elect trump by telling a bunch of voters (who could be pretty easily brought on board) to shut up

Are you not voting for Biden pvn? Can you point to the people not voting for Biden here?


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Me: an open borders advocate who thinks immigration is super important as fertility rates drop worldwide

Biden: what I think are dumb but overall likely popular immigration changes as part of a broader electoral strategy

Me: still will vote for Biden because I’m not a fucking moron

no shit? have you actually been reading anything in this thread (answer: we already know you haven’t because you’ve been doing this “reply to some weird mirror-universe version of posts that were never actually made in this thread” bit for decades)

Pvn have you found the people who aren’t voting for Biden that I’m yelling at yet?


Suuuuuure it was used by Hamas. I’m ashamed I was still falling for that shit when they blew up the second hospital.

Even if it was, doesn’t matter. Doesn’t mean they get to kill a bunch of civilians, including kids.