NC GOP gubernatorial nutjob candidate Mark Robinson Likes Hitler, Transgender Porn, Pee(p)ing on young women, and slavery. Hates MLK Jr

the one with Lee Marvin and Lee van Cleef is also a personal favorite, I think it’s called “The Grave.”

How does it help the Stein campaign if Robinson gets replaced by a more formidable opponent and all Robinson votes get redirected?

Feel like there a zero percent chance you can win an election by getting people to understand they are supposed to choose the creepy sex guy on the ballot to elect someone else

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The state is hopelessly gerrymandered at both the state and federal levels from what I understand so probably not.

My favorite part about this story so far is the forum appears to be using Comic Sans.

guys if i run for office please keep my 2+2 bbv history out of it lol


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Republican: “I am here to fight antisemitism!”

Reporter: “Will you be voting for the Nazi?”

Republican: “I can’t say.”

Not a chance they had this during the primary.

Wonder if Rs have a path here to pull him after allowed then tie it up in courts to have R court eventually rule they have to do something different with ballots enough to fuck up peoples chance to vote by mail which I guessing still favors Ds? (Actually thinking more have no idea who mail voting favors now?)


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shiiiiiittttt


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Everyone needs to slow their roll for 5 hours here

4 hours and 27 minutes

Maybe he will pull the real power move of taking a couple of ambien and telling his team he will reconvene tomorrow

He’s not dropping out today. The fact that no gop critters are publicly calling for him to tells you all you need to know.

We’re like 6 hours into this and Trump still endorses him lollllllll how hard is it to disavow a Nazi?